
open external class Text(data: String = definedExternally) : CharacterData, Slottable(source)

The textual content of Element or Attr. If an element has no markup within its content, it has a single child implementing Text that contains the element's text. However, if the element contains markup, it is parsed into information items and Text nodes that form its children.

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constructor(data: String = definedExternally)


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Returns node's node document's document base URL.

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node is a CDATASection node.

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Returns the children.

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node is a Comment node.

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node is a DocumentFragment node.

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node is a document.

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Set when other is a descendant of node.

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Set when other is an ancestor of node.

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Set when node and other are not in the same tree.

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Set when other is following node.

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Set when other is preceding node.

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node is a doctype.

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node is an element.

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Returns the first child.

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Returns true if node is connected and false otherwise.

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Returns the last child.

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Returns the first following sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.

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Returns the next sibling.

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Returns a string appropriate for the type of node.

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Returns the type of node.

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open override val ownerDocument: Document

Returns the node document. Returns null for documents.

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Returns the parent element.

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Returns the parent.

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Returns the first preceding sibling that is an element, and null otherwise.

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Returns the previous sibling.

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node is a ProcessingInstruction node.

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node is a Text node.

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Returns the combined data of all direct Text node siblings.


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open fun after(vararg nodes: Any)

Inserts nodes just after node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.

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open fun before(vararg nodes: Any)

Inserts nodes just before node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.

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fun cloneNode(deep: Boolean = definedExternally): Node

Returns a copy of node. If deep is true, the copy also includes the node's descendants.

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Returns a bitmask indicating the position of other relative to node.

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fun contains(other: Node?): Boolean

Returns true if other is an inclusive descendant of node, and false otherwise.

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fun deleteData(offset: Int, count: Int)
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fun getRootNode(options: GetRootNodeOptions = definedExternally): Node

Returns node's root.

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Returns whether node has children.

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fun <T : Node> insertBefore(node: T, child: Node?): T
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fun insertData(offset: Int, data: String)
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fun isEqualNode(otherNode: Node?): Boolean

Returns whether node and otherNode have the same properties.

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fun normalize()

Removes empty exclusive Text nodes and concatenates the data of remaining contiguous exclusive Text nodes into the first of their nodes.

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open fun remove()

Removes node.

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fun <T : Node> removeChild(child: T): T
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fun <T : Node> replaceChild(node: Node, child: T): T
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fun replaceData(offset: Int, count: Int, data: String)
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open fun replaceWith(vararg nodes: Any)

Replaces node with nodes, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.

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fun splitText(offset: Int): Text

Splits data at the given offset and returns the remainder as Text node.

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