Package-level declarations


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inline fun isAnyArrayBuffer(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isAnyArrayBufferRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer instance.

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inline fun isArgumentsObject(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isArgumentsObjectRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is an arguments object.

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inline fun isArrayBuffer(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isArrayBufferRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in ArrayBuffer instance. This does not include SharedArrayBuffer instances. Usually, it is desirable to test for both; See util.types.isAnyArrayBuffer() for that.

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inline fun isArrayBufferView(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isArrayBufferViewRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is an instance of one of the ArrayBuffer views, such as typed array objects or DataView. Equivalent to ArrayBuffer.isView().

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external fun isAsyncFunction(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is an async function. This only reports back what the JavaScript engine is seeing; in particular, the return value may not match the original source code if a transpilation tool was used.

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inline fun isBigInt64Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isBigInt64ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a BigInt64Array instance.

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inline fun isBigUint64Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isBigUint64ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a BigUint64Array instance.

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inline fun isBooleanObject(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isBooleanObjectRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a boolean object, e.g. created by new Boolean().

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inline fun isBoxedPrimitive(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isBoxedPrimitiveRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is any boxed primitive object, e.g. created by new Boolean(), new String() or Object(Symbol()).

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inline fun isCryptoKey(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isCryptoKeyRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if value is a CryptoKey, false otherwise.

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inline fun isDataView(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isDataViewRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in DataView instance.

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inline fun isDate(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isDateRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Date instance.

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external fun isExternal(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a native External value.

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inline fun isFloat32Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isFloat32ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Float32Array instance.

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inline fun isFloat64Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isFloat64ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Float64Array instance.

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inline fun isGeneratorFunction(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isGeneratorFunctionRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a generator function. This only reports back what the JavaScript engine is seeing; in particular, the return value may not match the original source code if a transpilation tool was used.

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inline fun isGeneratorObject(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isGeneratorObjectRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a generator object as returned from a built-in generator function. This only reports back what the JavaScript engine is seeing; in particular, the return value may not match the original source code if a transpilation tool was used.

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inline fun isInt16Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isInt16ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Int16Array instance.

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inline fun isInt32Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isInt32ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Int32Array instance.

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inline fun isInt8Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isInt8ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Int8Array instance.

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inline fun isKeyObject(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isKeyObjectRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if value is a KeyObject, false otherwise.

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inline fun isMap(target: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isMapIterator(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is an iterator returned for a built-in Map instance.

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external fun isMapRaw(target: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Map instance.

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external fun isModuleNamespaceObject(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is an instance of a Module Namespace Object.

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inline fun isNativeError(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isNativeErrorRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value was returned by the constructor of a built-in Error type.

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inline fun isNumberObject(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isNumberObjectRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a number object, e.g. created by new Number().

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inline fun isPromise(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isPromiseRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Promise.

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external fun isProxy(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a Proxy instance.

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inline fun isRegExp(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isRegExpRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a regular expression object.

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inline fun isSet(target: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isSetIterator(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is an iterator returned for a built-in Set instance.

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external fun isSetRaw(target: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Set instance.

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inline fun isSharedArrayBuffer(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isSharedArrayBufferRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in SharedArrayBuffer instance. This does not include ArrayBuffer instances. Usually, it is desirable to test for both; See util.types.isAnyArrayBuffer() for that.

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inline fun isStringObject(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isStringObjectRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a string object, e.g. created by new String().

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inline fun isSymbolObject(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isSymbolObjectRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a symbol object, created by calling Object() on a Symbol primitive.

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inline fun isTypedArray(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isTypedArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in TypedArray instance.

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inline fun isUint16Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isUint16ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Uint16Array instance.

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inline fun isUint32Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isUint32ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Uint32Array instance.

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inline fun isUint8Array(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isUint8ArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Uint8Array instance.

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inline fun isUint8ClampedArray(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isUint8ClampedArrayRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in Uint8ClampedArray instance.

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inline fun isWeakMap(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isWeakMapRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in WeakMap instance.

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inline fun isWeakSet(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isWeakSetRaw(value: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the value is a built-in WeakSet instance.