Package-level declarations


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external interface HOC<out P : Props, in R : Props> : JsFunction<Nothing?, ComponentClass<R>>
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interface RBuilder
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open class RBuilderImpl : RBuilder
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abstract class RComponent<P : Props, S : State> : Component<P, S>
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interface RElementBuilder<out P : Props> : RBuilder
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open class RElementBuilderImpl<out P : Props>(val attrs: P) : RBuilderImpl, RElementBuilder<P>
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typealias Render = RBuilder.() -> Unit
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typealias RHandler<P> = RElementBuilder<P>.() -> Unit
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abstract class RPureComponent<P : Props, S : State> : PureComponent<P, S>


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var Props.ref: Ref<*>?


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fun <P : Props> allOf(vararg hocs: HOC<P, P>): (component: ComponentClass<P>) -> ComponentClass<P>
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inline fun buildElement(handler: Render): ReactElement<*>
inline fun <T : RBuilder> buildElement(rBuilder: T, handler: T.() -> Unit): ReactElement<*>
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fun <T : RBuilder> buildElements(builder: T, handler: T.() -> Unit): ReactNode?
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inline fun <P : Props, C : Component<P, *>> RBuilder.child(noinline handler: RHandler<P>)
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inline fun <P : Props> cloneElement(element: ReactElement<P>, vararg children: ReactNode?, props: P.() -> Unit): ReactElement<P>
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fun <P : Props> fc(func: RBuilder.(props: P) -> Unit): FC<P>

Get function component from func

fun <P : Props> fc(displayName: String, func: RBuilder.(props: P) -> Unit): FC<P>

Get function component from func with displayName

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fun Children.forEachElement(children: ReactNode?, handler: (ReactElement<*>) -> Unit)
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operator fun <P : Props, R : Props> HOC<P, R>.invoke(component: RBuilder.(P) -> Unit): ComponentClass<R>
operator fun <P : Props, R : Props> HOC<P, R>.invoke(component: ComponentClass<P>): ComponentClass<R>
operator fun <P : Props, R : Props> HOC<P, R>.invoke(config: Any, component: RBuilder.(P) -> Unit): ComponentClass<R>
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fun <S : State> Component<*, S>.setState(buildState: S.() -> Unit)