The viewing frustum is defined by 6 planes. Each plane is represented by a Cartesian4 object, where the x, y, and z components define the unit vector normal to the plane, and the w component is the distance of the plane from the origin/camera position.
const maxRadii = ellipsoid.maximumRadius;
const frustum = new OrthographicOffCenterFrustum();
frustum.right = maxRadii * Math.PI;
frustum.left = -c.frustum.right;
frustum.top = c.frustum.right * (canvas.clientHeight / canvas.clientWidth);
frustum.bottom = -c.frustum.top;
frustum.near = 0.01 * maxRadii;
frustum.far = 50.0 * maxRadii;
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See also
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Returns a duplicate of a OrthographicOffCenterFrustum instance.
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fun computeCullingVolume(position: Cartesian3, direction: Cartesian3, up: Cartesian3): CullingVolume
Creates a culling volume for this frustum.
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fun equalsEpsilon(other: OrthographicOffCenterFrustum, relativeEpsilon: Double, absoluteEpsilon: Double? = definedExternally): Boolean
Compares the provided OrthographicOffCenterFrustum componentwise and returns true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test, false
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fun getPixelDimensions(drawingBufferWidth: Double, drawingBufferHeight: Double, distance: Double, pixelRatio: Double, result: Cartesian2): Cartesian2
Returns the pixel's width and height in meters.