
external class DownloadItem : EventEmitter(source)


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A string property that determines the save file path of the download item.


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fun addListener(event: DownloadItemEvent.DONE, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemDoneListenerState) -> Unit)
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fun cancel()

Cancels the download operation.

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Whether the download can resume.

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The Content-Disposition field from the response header.

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ETag header value.

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The file name of the download item.

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Last-Modified header value.

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The files mime type.

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The received bytes of the download item.

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Returns the object previously set by downloadItem.setSaveDialogOptions(options).

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The save path of the download item. This will be either the path set via downloadItem.setSavePath(path) or the path selected from the shown save dialog.

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Number of seconds since the UNIX epoch when the download was started.

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The current state. Can be progressing, completed, cancelled or interrupted.

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The total size in bytes of the download item.

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fun getURL(): String

The origin URL where the item is downloaded from.

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The complete URL chain of the item including any redirects.

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Whether the download has user gesture.

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Whether the download is paused.

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fun off(event: DownloadItemEvent.DONE, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemDoneListenerState) -> Unit)
fun off(event: DownloadItemEvent.UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemUpdatedListenerState) -> Unit)
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fun on(event: DownloadItemEvent.DONE, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemDoneListenerState) -> Unit)

Emitted when the download is in a terminal state. This includes a completed download, a cancelled download (via downloadItem.cancel()), and interrupted download that can't be resumed.

fun on(event: DownloadItemEvent.UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemUpdatedListenerState) -> Unit)

Emitted when the download has been updated and is not done.

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fun once(event: DownloadItemEvent.DONE, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemDoneListenerState) -> Unit)
fun once(event: DownloadItemEvent.UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemUpdatedListenerState) -> Unit)
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fun pause()

Pauses the download.

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fun resume()

Resumes the download that has been paused.

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This API allows the user to set custom options for the save dialog that opens for the download item by default. The API is only available in session's will-download callback function.

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fun setSavePath(path: String)

The API is only available in session's will-download callback function. If path doesn't exist, Electron will try to make the directory recursively. If user doesn't set the save path via the API, Electron will use the original routine to determine the save path; this usually prompts a save dialog.