Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface PushEncryptionKeyName
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open external class PushEvent(val type: EventType<PushEvent>, init: PushEventInit = definedExternally) : ExtendableEvent

This Push API interface represents a push message that has been received. This event is sent to the global scope of a ServiceWorker. It contains the information sent from an application server to a PushSubscription. Available only in secure contexts.

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external interface PushEventInit : ExtendableEventInit
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sealed external class PushEventTypes_deprecated
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sealed external class PushManager

This Push API interface provides a way to receive notifications from third-party servers as well as request URLs for push notifications. Available only in secure contexts.

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sealed external class PushMessageData

This Push API interface provides methods which let you retrieve the push data sent by a server in various formats. Available only in secure contexts.

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sealed external class PushSubscription

This Push API interface provides a subcription's URL endpoint and allows unsubscription from a push service. Available only in secure contexts.

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external interface PushSubscriptionJSON
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sealed external class PushSubscriptionOptions

Available only in secure contexts.

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external interface PushSubscriptionOptionsInit