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abstract override var children: ReactNode?

The content of the table, normally TableHead and TableBody.

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abstract var classes: TableClasses?

Override or extend the styles applied to the component.

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abstract var key: Key?
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abstract var padding: TablePadding?

Allows TableCells to inherit padding of the Table.

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abstract var size: BaseSize?

Allows TableCells to inherit size of the Table.

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abstract var stickyHeader: Boolean?

Set the header sticky.

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abstract override var sx: SxProps<Theme>?

The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.


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open inline fun <P : Props> child(type: ElementType<P>, props: P)
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open inline operator fun <P : Props> ElementType<P>.invoke()
open inline operator fun <T> ContextType<T>.invoke(noinline block: ProviderProps<T>.() -> Unit)
open inline operator fun <P : Props> ElementType<P>.invoke(noinline block: P.() -> Unit)
open inline operator fun <T> ContextType<T>.invoke(value: T, noinline block: ChildrenBuilder.() -> Unit)
open inline operator fun <T> Provider<T>.invoke(value: T, noinline block: ChildrenBuilder.() -> Unit)
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open inline operator fun Char.unaryPlus()
open inline operator fun String?.unaryPlus()
open inline operator fun ReactNode?.unaryPlus()
open inline operator fun Props?.unaryPlus()