
external class TileAvailability(tilingScheme: TilingScheme, maximumLevel: Int)(source)

Reports the availability of tiles in a TilingScheme.



The tiling scheme in which to report availability.


The maximum tile level that is potentially available.

See also


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constructor(tilingScheme: TilingScheme, maximumLevel: Int)


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fun addAvailableTileRange(level: Int, startX: Double, startY: Double, endX: Double, endY: Double)

Marks a rectangular range of tiles in a particular level as being available. For best performance, add your ranges in order of increasing level.

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Finds the most detailed level that is available everywhere within a given rectangle. More detailed tiles may be available in parts of the rectangle, but not the whole thing. The return value of this function may be safely passed to sampleTerrain for any position within the rectangle. This function usually completes in time logarithmic to the number of rectangles added with TileAvailability.addAvailableTileRange.

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Computes a bit mask indicating which of a tile's four children exist. If a child's bit is set, a tile is available for that child. If it is cleared, the tile is not available.

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Determines the level of the most detailed tile covering the position. This function usually completes in time logarithmic to the number of rectangles added with TileAvailability.addAvailableTileRange.

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fun isTileAvailable(level: Int, x: Double, y: Double): Boolean

Determines if a particular tile is available.