
external interface SortingColumn<TData : RowData>(source)



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abstract var clearSorting: () -> Unit

Removes this column from the table's sorting state API Docs Guide

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abstract var getAutoSortDir: () -> SortDirection

Returns a sort direction automatically inferred based on the columns values. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getAutoSortingFn: () -> SortingFn<TData>

Returns a sorting function automatically inferred based on the columns values. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanMultiSort: () -> Boolean

Returns whether this column can be multi-sorted. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanSort: () -> Boolean

Returns whether this column can be sorted. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getFirstSortDir: () -> SortDirection

Returns the first direction that should be used when sorting this column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsSorted: () -> SortDirection?

Returns the current sort direction of this column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getNextSortingOrder: () -> SortDirection?

Returns the next sorting order. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getSortIndex: () -> Int

Returns the index position of this column's sorting within the sorting state API Docs Guide

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abstract var getSortingFn: () -> SortingFn<TData>

Returns the resolved sorting function to be used for this column API Docs Guide

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abstract var getToggleSortingHandler: () -> (event: Any) -> Unit?

Returns a function that can be used to toggle this column's sorting state. This is useful for attaching a click handler to the column header. API Docs Guide

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abstract var toggleSorting: (desc: Boolean?, isMulti: Boolean?) -> Unit

Toggles this columns sorting state. If desc is provided, it will force the sort direction to that value. If isMulti is provided, it will additivity multi-sort the column (or toggle it if it is already sorted). API Docs Guide