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The resolved accessor function to use when extracting the value for the column from each row. Will only be defined if the column def has a valid accessor key or function defined. API Docs Guide

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abstract var clearSorting: () -> Unit

Removes this column from the table's sorting state API Docs Guide

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The original column def used to create the column. API Docs Guide

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The child column (if the column is a group column). Will be an empty array if the column is not a group column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var depth: Int

The depth of the column (if grouped) relative to the root column def array. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getAfter: (position: ColumnOrderPosition?) -> Int

Returns the offset measurement along the row-axis (usually the x-axis for standard tables) for the header. This is effectively a sum of the offset measurements of all succeeding (right) headers in relation to the current column.

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abstract var getAggregationFn: () -> AggregationFn<TData>

Returns the aggregation function for the column. API Docs Guide

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Returns the automatically inferred aggregation function for the column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getAutoFilterFn: () -> FilterFn<TData>

Returns an automatically calculated filter function for the column based off of the columns first known value. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getAutoSortDir: () -> SortDirection

Returns a sort direction automatically inferred based on the columns values. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getAutoSortingFn: () -> SortingFn<TData>

Returns a sorting function automatically inferred based on the columns values. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanFilter: () -> Boolean

Returns whether or not the column can be column filtered. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanGlobalFilter: () -> Boolean

Returns whether or not the column can be globally filtered. Set to false to disable a column from being scanned during global filtering. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanGroup: () -> Boolean

Returns whether or not the column can be grouped. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanHide: () -> Boolean

Returns whether the column can be hidden API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanMultiSort: () -> Boolean

Returns whether this column can be multi-sorted. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanPin: () -> Boolean

Returns whether or not the column can be pinned. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanResize: () -> Boolean

Returns true if the column can be resized. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getCanSort: () -> Boolean

Returns whether this column can be sorted. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getFacetedMinMaxValues: () -> JsTuple2<Int, Int>?

A function that computes and returns a min/max tuple derived from column.getFacetedRowModel. Useful for displaying faceted result values.

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abstract var getFacetedRowModel: () -> RowModel<TData>

Returns the row model with all other column filters applied, excluding its own filter. Useful for displaying faceted result counts.

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abstract var getFacetedUniqueValues: () -> JsMap<Any, Int>

A function that computes and returns a Map of unique values and their occurrences derived from column.getFacetedRowModel. Useful for displaying faceted result values.

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abstract var getFilterFn: () -> FilterFn<TData>

Returns the filter function (either user-defined or automatic, depending on configuration) for the columnId specified. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getFilterIndex: () -> Int

Returns the index (including -1) of the column filter in the table's state.columnFilters array. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getFilterValue: () -> Any

Returns the current filter value for the column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getFirstSortDir: () -> SortDirection

Returns the first direction that should be used when sorting this column. API Docs Guide

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Returns the flattened array of this column and all child/grand-child columns for this column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getGroupedIndex: () -> Int

Returns the index of the column in the grouping state. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIndex: (position: ColumnOrderPosition?) -> Int

Returns the index of the column in the order of the visible columns. Optionally pass a position parameter to get the index of the column in a sub-section of the table API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsFiltered: () -> Boolean

Returns whether or not the column is currently filtered. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsFirstColumn: (position: ColumnOrderPosition?) -> Boolean

Returns true if the column is the first column in the order of the visible columns. Optionally pass a position parameter to check if the column is the first in a sub-section of the table. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsGrouped: () -> Boolean

Returns whether or not the column is currently grouped. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsLastColumn: (position: ColumnOrderPosition?) -> Boolean

Returns true if the column is the last column in the order of the visible columns. Optionally pass a position parameter to check if the column is the last in a sub-section of the table. API Docs Guide

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Returns the pinned position of the column. ('left', 'right' or false) API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsResizing: () -> Boolean

Returns true if the column is currently being resized. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsSorted: () -> SortDirection?

Returns the current sort direction of this column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getIsVisible: () -> Boolean

Returns whether the column is visible API Docs Guide

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Returns an array of all leaf-node columns for this column. If a column has no children, it is considered the only leaf-node column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getNextSortingOrder: () -> SortDirection?

Returns the next sorting order. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getPinnedIndex: () -> Int

Returns the numeric pinned index of the column within a pinned column group. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getSize: () -> Int

Returns the current size of the column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getSortIndex: () -> Int

Returns the index position of this column's sorting within the sorting state API Docs Guide

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abstract var getSortingFn: () -> SortingFn<TData>

Returns the resolved sorting function to be used for this column API Docs Guide

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abstract var getStart: (position: ColumnOrderPosition?) -> Int

Returns the offset measurement along the row-axis (usually the x-axis for standard tables) for the header. This is effectively a sum of the offset measurements of all preceding (left) headers in relation to the current column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getToggleGroupingHandler: () -> () -> Unit

Returns a function that toggles the grouping state of the column. This is useful for passing to the onClick prop of a button. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getToggleSortingHandler: () -> (event: Any) -> Unit?

Returns a function that can be used to toggle this column's sorting state. This is useful for attaching a click handler to the column header. API Docs Guide

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abstract var getToggleVisibilityHandler: () -> (event: Any) -> Unit

Returns a function that can be used to toggle the column visibility. This function can be used to bind to an event handler to a checkbox. API Docs Guide

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abstract var id: String

The resolved unique identifier for the column resolved in this priority:

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abstract var parent: Column<TData, TValue>?

The parent column for this column. Will be undefined if this is a root column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var pin: (position: ColumnPinningPosition) -> Unit

Pins a column to the 'left' or 'right', or unpins the column to the center if false is passed. API Docs Guide

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abstract var resetSize: () -> Unit

Resets the column to its initial size. API Docs Guide

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abstract var setFilterValue: (updater: Updater<*>) -> Unit

A function that sets the current filter value for the column. You can pass it a value or an updater function for immutability-safe operations on existing values. API Docs Guide

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abstract var toggleGrouping: () -> Unit

Toggles the grouping state of the column. API Docs Guide

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abstract var toggleSorting: (desc: Boolean?, isMulti: Boolean?) -> Unit

Toggles this columns sorting state. If desc is provided, it will force the sort direction to that value. If isMulti is provided, it will additivity multi-sort the column (or toggle it if it is already sorted). API Docs Guide

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abstract var toggleVisibility: (value: Boolean?) -> Unit

Toggles the visibility of the column. API Docs Guide