Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface ColorSpaceConversion
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external interface ImageBitmapOptions
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external interface ImageBitmapSource

Union of:

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external class ImageData(sw: Int, sh: Int, settings: ImageDataSettings = definedExternally) : ImageBitmapSource, TexImageSource

The underlying pixel data of an area of a element. It is created using the ImageData() constructor or creator methods on the CanvasRenderingContext2D object associated with a canvas: createImageData() and getImageData(). It can also be used to set a part of the canvas by using putImageData().

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external interface ImageDataSettings
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sealed external interface ImageOrientation
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sealed external interface PredefinedColorSpace
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sealed external interface PremultiplyAlpha
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sealed external interface ResizeQuality


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suspend external fun createImageBitmap(image: ImageBitmapSource, options: ImageBitmapOptions? = definedExternally): ImageBitmap
suspend external fun createImageBitmap(image: ImageBitmapSource, sx: Int, sy: Int, sw: Int, sh: Int, options: ImageBitmapOptions? = definedExternally): ImageBitmap
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external fun createImageBitmapAsync(image: ImageBitmapSource, options: ImageBitmapOptions? = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>
external fun createImageBitmapAsync(image: ImageBitmapSource, sx: Int, sy: Int, sw: Int, sh: Int, options: ImageBitmapOptions? = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>