
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)


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abstract var height: Double?

The height of the image. Required when options.typedArray is present.

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The magnification filter of the texture sampler. Default value - TextureMagnificationFilter.LINEAR

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abstract var maximumAnisotropy: Double?

The maximum anisotropy of the texture sampler Default value - 1.0

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The minification filter of the texture sampler. Default value - TextureMinificationFilter.LINEAR

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When options.typedArray is defined, this is the data type of pixel values in the typed array. Default value - PixelDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE

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abstract var pixelFormat: PixelFormat?

When options.typedArray is defined, this is used to determine the pixel format of the texture Default value - PixelFormat.RGBA

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abstract var repeat: Boolean?

When defined, the texture sampler will be set to wrap in both directions Default value - true

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abstract var typedArray: Uint8Array?

A typed array storing the contents of a texture. Values are stored in row-major order. Since WebGL uses a y-up convention for textures, rows are listed from bottom to top.

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abstract var url: Resource?

A URL string or resource pointing to a texture image.

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abstract var width: Double?

The width of the image. Required when options.typedArray is present