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A constant initialized to the XY plane passing through the origin, with normal in positive Z.

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A constant initialized to the YZ plane passing through the origin, with normal in positive X.

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A constant initialized to the ZX plane passing through the origin, with normal in positive Y.


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fun clone(plane: Plane, result: Plane? = definedExternally): Plane

Duplicates a Plane instance.

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fun equals(left: Plane, right: Plane): Boolean

Compares the provided Planes by normal and distance and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

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fun fromCartesian4(coefficients: Cartesian4, result: Plane? = definedExternally): Plane

Creates a plane from the general equation

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fun fromPointNormal(point: Cartesian3, normal: Cartesian3, result: Plane? = definedExternally): Plane

Creates a plane from a normal and a point on the plane.

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Computes the signed shortest distance of a point to a plane. The sign of the distance determines which side of the plane the point is on. If the distance is positive, the point is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the point is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, the plane passes through the point.

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fun projectPointOntoPlane(plane: Plane, point: Cartesian3, result: Cartesian3? = definedExternally): Cartesian3

Projects a point onto the plane.

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fun transform(plane: Plane, transform: Matrix4, result: Plane? = definedExternally): Plane

Transforms the plane by the given transformation matrix.