
external class MockTimers(source)

Mocking timers is a technique commonly used in software testing to simulate and control the behavior of timers, such as setInterval and setTimeout, without actually waiting for the specified time intervals.

The MockTimers API also allows for mocking of the Date constructor and setImmediate/clearImmediate functions.

The MockTracker provides a top-level timers export which is a MockTimers instance.




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fun enable(options: MockTimersOptions = definedExternally)

Enables timer mocking for the specified timers.

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fun reset()

This function restores the default behavior of all mocks that were previously created by this MockTimers instance and disassociates the mocks from the MockTracker instance.

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fun runAll()

Triggers all pending mocked timers immediately. If the Date object is also mocked, it will also advance the Date object to the furthest timer's time.

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fun setTime(time: Number)

You can use the .setTime() method to manually move the mocked date to another time. This method only accepts a positive integer. Note: This method will execute any mocked timers that are in the past from the new time. In the below example we are setting a new time for the mocked date.

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fun tick(milliseconds: Number)

Advances time for all mocked timers.