
fun runAll()(source)

Triggers all pending mocked timers immediately. If the Date object is also mocked, it will also advance the Date object to the furthest timer's time.

The example below triggers all pending timers immediately, causing them to execute without any delay.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('runAll functions following the given order', (context) => {
context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
const results = [];
setTimeout(() => results.push(1), 9999);

// Notice that if both timers have the same timeout,
// the order of execution is guaranteed
setTimeout(() => results.push(3), 8888);
setTimeout(() => results.push(2), 8888);

assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);

assert.deepStrictEqual(results, [3, 2, 1]);
// The Date object is also advanced to the furthest timer's time
assert.strictEqual(, 9999);

Note: The runAll() function is specifically designed for triggering timers in the context of timer mocking. It does not have any effect on real-time system clocks or actual timers outside of the mocking environment.

