Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface AssertSnapshotOptions
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sealed external interface DiagnosticData : TestLocationInfo
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typealias HookFn = (c: Any, done: (result: Any?) -> Unit) -> Any?

The hook function. The first argument is the context in which the hook is called. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument.

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sealed external interface HookOptions

Configuration options for hooks.

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sealed external interface Mock<F : Function<*>>
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sealed external interface MockFunctionCall<F : Function<*>, ReturnType, Args>
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external class MockFunctionContext<F : Function<*>>

The MockFunctionContext class is used to inspect or manipulate the behavior of mocks created via the MockTracker APIs.

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sealed external interface MockFunctionOptions
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sealed external interface MockMethodOptions : MockFunctionOptions
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external class MockModuleContext
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sealed external interface MockModuleOptions
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external class MockTimers

Mocking timers is a technique commonly used in software testing to simulate and control the behavior of timers, such as setInterval and setTimeout, without actually waiting for the specified time intervals.

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sealed external interface MockTimersOptions
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external class MockTracker

The MockTracker class is used to manage mocking functionality. The test runner module provides a top level mock export which is a MockTracker instance. Each test also provides its own MockTracker instance via the test context's mock property.

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sealed external interface RunOptions
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external class SuiteContext

An instance of SuiteContext is passed to each suite function in order to interact with the test runner. However, the SuiteContext constructor is not exposed as part of the API.

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typealias SuiteFn = (s: SuiteContext) -> PromiseResult<Void>

The type of a suite test function. The argument to this function is a {@link SuiteContext} object.

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sealed external interface TestComplete : TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestCompleteDetails
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external class TestContext

An instance of TestContext is passed to each test function in order to interact with the test runner. However, the TestContext constructor is not exposed as part of the API.

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sealed external interface TestContextAssert
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typealias TestContextHookFn = (t: TestContext, done: (result: Any?) -> Unit) -> Any?

The hook function. The first argument is a TestContext object. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument.

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sealed external interface TestCoverage
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sealed external interface TestCoverageSummary
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sealed external interface TestCoverageSummaryFilesItem
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sealed external interface TestCoverageSummaryFilesItemLinesItem
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sealed external interface TestCoverageSummaryTotals
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sealed external interface TestDequeue : TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestEnqueue : TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestError : Throwable
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sealed external interface TestFail : TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestFailDetails
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typealias TestFn = (t: TestContext, done: (result: Any?) -> Unit) -> PromiseResult<Void>

The type of a function passed to {@link test}. The first argument to this function is a {@link TestContext} object. If the test uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument.

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sealed external interface TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestOptions
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sealed external interface TestPass : TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestPassDetails
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sealed external interface TestPlan : TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestShard
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A successful call to run() will return a new TestsStream object, streaming a series of events representing the execution of the tests.

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sealed external interface TestsStreamEvent
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sealed external interface TestStart : TestLocationInfo
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sealed external interface TestStderr
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sealed external interface TestStdout
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sealed external interface Timer


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external val mock: MockTracker


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external fun after(fn: HookFn = definedExternally, options: HookOptions = definedExternally)

This function creates a hook that runs after executing a suite.

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external fun afterEach(fn: HookFn = definedExternally, options: HookOptions = definedExternally)

This function creates a hook that runs after each test in the current suite. The afterEach() hook is run even if the test fails.

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external fun before(fn: HookFn = definedExternally, options: HookOptions = definedExternally)

This function creates a hook that runs before executing a suite.

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external fun beforeEach(fn: HookFn = definedExternally, options: HookOptions = definedExternally)

This function creates a hook that runs before each test in the current suite.

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suspend fun describe(fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun describe(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun describe(options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun describe(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
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external fun describeAsync(): Promise<Void>
external fun describeAsync(fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun describeAsync(name: String = definedExternally, fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun describeAsync(options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

external fun describeAsync(name: String = definedExternally, options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

Alias for {@link suite}.

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suspend fun it(fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun it(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun it(options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun it(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
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external fun itAsync(): Promise<Void>
external fun itAsync(fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun itAsync(name: String = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun itAsync(options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

external fun itAsync(name: String = definedExternally, options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

Alias for {@link test}.

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suspend fun only(): Void
suspend fun only(fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun only(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun only(options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun only(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
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external fun onlyAsync(): Promise<Void>
external fun onlyAsync(fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun onlyAsync(name: String = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun onlyAsync(options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

external fun onlyAsync(name: String = definedExternally, options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

Shorthand for marking a test as only. This is the same as calling {@link test} with options.only set to true.

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external fun run(options: RunOptions = definedExternally): TestsStream

Note: shard is used to horizontally parallelize test running across machines or processes, ideal for large-scale executions across varied environments. It's incompatible with watch mode, tailored for rapid code iteration by automatically rerunning tests on file changes.

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suspend fun skip(): Void
suspend fun skip(fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun skip(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun skip(options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun skip(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
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external fun skipAsync(): Promise<Void>
external fun skipAsync(fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun skipAsync(name: String = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun skipAsync(options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

external fun skipAsync(name: String = definedExternally, options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

Shorthand for skipping a test. This is the same as calling {@link test} with options.skip set to true.

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suspend fun suite(fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun suite(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun suite(options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun suite(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: SuiteFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
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external fun suiteAsync(): Promise<Void>
external fun suiteAsync(fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun suiteAsync(name: String = definedExternally, fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun suiteAsync(options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

external fun suiteAsync(name: String = definedExternally, options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: SuiteFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

The suite() function is imported from the node:test module.

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suspend fun test(): Void
suspend fun test(fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun test(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun test(options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun test(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
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external fun testAsync(): Promise<Void>
external fun testAsync(fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun testAsync(options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun testAsync(name: String = definedExternally, options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

external fun testAsync(name: String = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

The test() function is the value imported from the test module. Each invocation of this function results in reporting the test to the TestsStream.

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suspend fun todo(): Void
suspend fun todo(fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun todo(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun todo(options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
suspend fun todo(name: String = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), options: TestOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>(), fn: TestFn = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): Void
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external fun todoAsync(): Promise<Void>
external fun todoAsync(fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun todoAsync(name: String = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun todoAsync(options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

external fun todoAsync(name: String = definedExternally, options: TestOptions = definedExternally, fn: TestFn = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

Shorthand for marking a test as TODO. This is the same as calling {@link test} with options.todo set to true.