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An immutable vertex format with well-known attributes: position, normal, st, tangent, and bitangent.

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An immutable vertex format with position, normal, and st attributes. This is compatible with most appearances and materials; however normal and st attributes are not always required. When this is known in advance, another VertexFormat should be used.

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open override val packedLength: Int

The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.

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An immutable vertex format with position and color attributes.

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An immutable vertex format with position and normal attributes. This is compatible with per-instance color appearances like PerInstanceColorAppearance.

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An immutable vertex format with position and st attributes. This is compatible with EllipsoidSurfaceAppearance.

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An immutable vertex format with position, normal, and st attributes. This is compatible with MaterialAppearance when MaterialAppearance.materialSupport is TEXTURED/code>.

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An immutable vertex format with only a position attribute.


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fun clone(vertexFormat: VertexFormat, result: VertexFormat? = definedExternally): VertexFormat

Duplicates a VertexFormat instance.

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open override fun pack(value: VertexFormat, array: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int?): ReadonlyArray<Double>

Stores the provided instance into the provided array.

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open override fun unpack(array: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int?, result: VertexFormat?): VertexFormat

Retrieves an instance from a packed array.