
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)

Initialization options for the Cesium3DTileset constructor

See also


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abstract var backFaceCulling: Boolean?

Whether to cull back-facing geometry. When true, back face culling is determined by the glTF material's doubleSided property; when false, back face culling is disabled. Default value - true

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abstract var baseScreenSpaceError: Int?

When skipLevelOfDetail is true, the screen space error that must be reached before skipping levels of detail. Default value - 1024

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abstract var cacheBytes: Int?

The size (in bytes) to which the tile cache will be trimmed, if the cache contains tiles not needed for the current view. Default value - 536870912

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Determines whether terrain, 3D Tiles or both will be classified by this tileset. See Cesium3DTileset.classificationType for details about restrictions and limitations.

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The ClippingPlaneCollection used to selectively disable rendering the tileset.

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The ClippingPolygonCollection used to selectively disable rendering the tileset.

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Optimization option. Don't request tiles that will likely be unused when they come back because of the camera's movement. This optimization only applies to stationary tilesets. Default value - true

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Optimization option. Multiplier used in culling requests while moving. Larger is more aggressive culling, smaller less aggressive culling. Default value - 60.0

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Optimization option. Whether to cull tiles using the union of their children bounding volumes. Default value - true

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For debugging only. When true, assigns a random color to each tile. Default value - false

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abstract var debugFreezeFrame: Boolean?

For debugging only. Determines if only the tiles from last frame should be used for rendering. Default value - false

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The tile variable to colorize as a heatmap. All rendered tiles will be colorized relative to each other's specified variable value.

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For debugging only. When true, renders the bounding volume for each tile. Default value - false

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For debugging only. When true, renders the bounding volume for each tile's content. Default value - false

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For debugging only. When true, draws labels to indicate the geometric error of each tile. Default value - false

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For debugging only. When true, draws labels to indicate the texture and geometry memory in megabytes used by each tile. Default value - false

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For debugging only. When true, draws labels to indicate the number of commands, points, triangles and features for each tile. Default value - false

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abstract var debugShowUrl: Boolean?

For debugging only. When true, draws labels to indicate the url of each tile. Default value - false

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For debugging only. When true, renders the viewer request volume for each tile. Default value - false

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abstract var debugWireframe: Boolean?

For debugging only. When true, render's each tile's content as a wireframe. Default value - false

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Optimization option. For street-level horizon views, use lower resolution tiles far from the camera. This reduces the amount of data loaded and improves tileset loading time with a slight drop in visual quality in the distance. Default value - true

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Similar to Fog.density, this option controls the camera distance at which the Cesium3DTileset.dynamicScreenSpaceError optimization applies. Larger values will cause tiles closer to the camera to be affected. Default value - 2.0e-4

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A parameter that controls the intensity of the Cesium3DTileset.dynamicScreenSpaceError optimization for tiles on the horizon. Larger values cause lower resolution tiles to load, improving runtime performance at a slight reduction of visual quality. Default value - 24.0

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A ratio of the tileset's height that determines where "street level" camera views occur. When the camera is below this height, the Cesium3DTileset.dynamicScreenSpaceError optimization will have the maximum effect, and it will roll off above this value. Default value - 0.25

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abstract var ellipsoid: Ellipsoid?

The ellipsoid determining the size and shape of the globe. Default value - Ellipsoid.WGS84

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abstract var enableCollision: Boolean?

When true, enables collisions for camera or CPU picking. While this is true the camera will be prevented from going below the tileset surface if ScreenSpaceCameraController.enableCollisionDetection is true. Default value - false

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For debugging only. This must be true for debugWireframe to work in WebGL1. This cannot be set after the tileset has been created. Default value - false

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abstract var enablePick: Boolean?

Whether to allow collision and CPU picking with pick when using WebGL 1. If using WebGL 2 or above, this option will be ignored. If using WebGL 1 and this is true, the pick operation will work correctly, but it will use more memory to do so. If running with WebGL 1 and this is false, the model will use less memory, but pick will always return undefined. This cannot be set after the tileset has loaded. Default value - false

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abstract var enableShowOutline: Boolean?

Whether to enable outlines for models using the CESIUM_primitive_outline extension. This can be set to false to avoid the additional processing of geometry at load time. When false, the showOutlines and outlineColor options are ignored. Default value - true

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abstract var featureIdLabel: String?

Label of the feature ID set to use for picking and styling. For EXT_mesh_features, this is the feature ID's label property, or "featureId_N" (where N is the index in the featureIds array) when not specified. EXT_feature_metadata did not have a label field, so such feature ID sets are always labeled "featureId_N" where N is the index in the list of all feature Ids, where feature ID attributes are listed before feature ID textures. If featureIdLabel is an integer N, it is converted to the string "featureId_N" automatically. If both per-primitive and per-instance feature IDs are present, the instance feature IDs take priority. Default value - "featureId_0"

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abstract var foveatedConeSize: Double?

Optimization option. Used when Cesium3DTileset.foveatedScreenSpaceError is true to control the cone size that determines which tiles are deferred. Tiles that are inside this cone are loaded immediately. Tiles outside the cone are potentially deferred based on how far outside the cone they are and their screen space error. This is controlled by Cesium3DTileset.foveatedInterpolationCallback and Cesium3DTileset.foveatedMinimumScreenSpaceErrorRelaxation. Setting this to 0.0 means the cone will be the line formed by the camera position and its view direction. Setting this to 1.0 means the cone encompasses the entire field of view of the camera, disabling the effect. Default value - 0.1

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Optimization option. Used when Cesium3DTileset.foveatedScreenSpaceError is true to control how much to raise the screen space error for tiles outside the foveated cone, interpolating between Cesium3DTileset.foveatedMinimumScreenSpaceErrorRelaxation and Cesium3DTileset.maximumScreenSpaceError Default value - Math.lerp

Optimization option. Used when Cesium3DTileset.foveatedScreenSpaceError is true to control the starting screen space error relaxation for tiles outside the foveated cone. The screen space error will be raised starting with tileset value up to Cesium3DTileset.maximumScreenSpaceError based on the provided Cesium3DTileset.foveatedInterpolationCallback. Default value - 0.0

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Optimization option. Prioritize loading tiles in the center of the screen by temporarily raising the screen space error for tiles around the edge of the screen. Screen space error returns to normal once all the tiles in the center of the screen as determined by the Cesium3DTileset.foveatedConeSize are loaded. Default value - true

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abstract var foveatedTimeDelay: Double?

Optimization option. Used when Cesium3DTileset.foveatedScreenSpaceError is true to control how long in seconds to wait after the camera stops moving before deferred tiles start loading in. This time delay prevents requesting tiles around the edges of the screen when the camera is moving. Setting this to 0.0 will immediately request all tiles in any given view. Default value - 0.2

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The properties for managing image-based lighting for this tileset.

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When skipLevelOfDetail is true, only tiles that meet the maximum screen space error will ever be downloaded. Skipping factors are ignored and just the desired tiles are loaded. Default value - false

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Label of the instance feature ID set used for picking and styling. If instanceFeatureIdLabel is set to an integer N, it is converted to the string "instanceFeatureId_N" automatically. If both per-primitive and per-instance feature IDs are present, the instance feature IDs take priority. Default value - "instanceFeatureId_0"

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abstract var lightColor: Cartesian3?

The light color when shading models. When undefined the scene's light color is used instead.

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abstract var loadSiblings: Boolean?

When skipLevelOfDetail is true, determines whether siblings of visible tiles are always downloaded during traversal. Default value - false

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The maximum additional memory (in bytes) to allow for cache headroom, if more than Cesium3DTileset.cacheBytes are needed for the current view. Default value - 536870912

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The maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement. Default value - 16

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abstract var modelForwardAxis: Axis?

Which axis is considered forward when loading models for tile contents. Default value - Axis.X

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abstract var modelMatrix: Matrix4?

A 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms the tileset's root tile. Default value - Matrix4.IDENTITY

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abstract var modelUpAxis: Axis?

Which axis is considered up when loading models for tile contents. Default value - Axis.Y

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abstract var outlineColor: Color?

The color to use when rendering outlines. Default value - Color.BLACK

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abstract var pointCloudShading: Any?

Options for constructing a PointCloudShading object to control point attenuation based on geometric error and lighting.

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abstract var preferLeaves: Boolean?

Optimization option. Prefer loading of leaves first. Default value - false

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Optimization option. Preload tiles at the camera's flight destination while the camera is in flight. Default value - true

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abstract var preloadWhenHidden: Boolean?

Preload tiles when is false. Loads tiles as if the tileset is visible but does not render them. Default value - false

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Optimization option. If between (0.0, 0.5], tiles at or above the screen space error for the reduced screen resolution of progressiveResolutionHeightFraction*screenHeight will be prioritized first. This can help get a quick layer of tiles down while full resolution tiles continue to load. Default value - 0.3

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abstract var projectTo2D: Boolean?

Whether to accurately project the tileset to 2D. If this is true, the tileset will be projected accurately to 2D, but it will use more memory to do so. If this is false, the tileset will use less memory and will still render in 2D / CV mode, but its projected positions may be inaccurate. This cannot be set after the tileset has been created. Default value - false

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abstract var shadows: ShadowMode?

Determines whether the tileset casts or receives shadows from light sources. Default value - ShadowMode.ENABLED

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abstract var show: Boolean?

Determines if the tileset will be shown. Default value - true

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Whether to display the credits of this tileset on screen. Default value - false

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abstract var showOutline: Boolean?

Whether to display the outline for models using the CESIUM_primitive_outline extension. When true, outlines are displayed. When false, outlines are not displayed. Default value - true

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abstract var skipLevelOfDetail: Boolean?

Optimization option. Determines if level of detail skipping should be applied during the traversal. Default value - false

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abstract var skipLevels: Int?

When skipLevelOfDetail is true, a constant defining the minimum number of levels to skip when loading tiles. When it is 0, no levels are skipped. Used in conjunction with skipScreenSpaceErrorFactor to determine which tiles to load. Default value - 1

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When skipLevelOfDetail is true, a multiplier defining the minimum screen space error to skip. Used in conjunction with skipLevels to determine which tiles to load. Default value - 16

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The SplitDirection split to apply to this tileset. Default value - SplitDirection.NONE

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Indicates that only the tileset's vector tiles should be used for classification. Default value - false

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Whether vector tiles should keep decoded positions in memory. This is used with Cesium3DTileFeature.getPolylinePositions. Default value - false