Package-level declarations


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external interface AnchorHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface AreaHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface BaseHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface ButtonHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface CanvasHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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sealed external interface Capture
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external interface ColgroupHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface ColHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface DataHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface DelHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface DetailsHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface DialogHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface EmbedHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface FieldsetHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface FormHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface HtmlHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface IframeHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface ImgHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface InputHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface InsHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface KeygenHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface LabelHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface LiHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface LinkHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface MapHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface MediaHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface MenuHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface MetaHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface MeterHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface ObjectHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface OlHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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sealed external interface OlType
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external interface OptgroupHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface OptionHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface OutputHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface ProgressHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface QuoteHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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object ReactHTML
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external interface ScriptHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface SelectHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface SlotHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface SourceHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface StyleHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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sealed external interface TableAlign
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external interface TableHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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sealed external interface TableRules
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sealed external interface TdAlign
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external interface TdHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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sealed external interface TdVAlign
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external interface TextareaHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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sealed external interface ThAlign
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external interface ThHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface TimeHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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external interface TrackHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>
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sealed external interface Translate
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sealed external interface Unselectable
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external interface WebViewHTMLAttributes<T : Element> : HTMLAttributes<T>