An array of suggested words to show the user to replace the misspelledWord
. Only available if there is a misspelled word and spellchecker is enabled.
The source that the context menu was invoked on. Possible values include none
, button-button
, field-set
, input-button
, input-checkbox
, input-color
, input-date
, input-datetime-local
, input-email
, input-file
, input-hidden
, input-image
, input-month
, input-number
, input-password
, input-radio
, input-range
, input-reset
, input-search
, input-submit
, input-telephone
, input-text
, input-time
, input-url
, input-week
, output
, reset-button
, select-list
, select-list
, select-multiple
, select-one
, submit-button
, and text-area
The character encoding of the frame on which the menu was invoked.
Whether the context menu was invoked on an image which has non-empty contents.
Whether the context is editable.
The flags for the media element the context menu was invoked on.
Type of the node the context menu was invoked on. Can be none
, image
, audio
, video
, canvas
, file
or plugin
Input source that invoked the context menu. Can be none
, mouse
, keyboard
, touch
, touchMenu
, longPress
, longTap
, touchHandle
, stylus
, adjustSelection
, or adjustSelectionReset
The misspelled word under the cursor, if any.
The referrer policy of the frame on which the menu is invoked.
Rect representing the coordinates in the document space of the selection.
Start position of the selection text.
Text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.
If the context is editable, whether or not spellchecking is enabled.
Suggested filename to be used when saving file through 'Save Link As' option of context menu.