
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)


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The HTML canvas element to create the scene for.

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Context and WebGL creation properties.

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abstract var creditContainer: Element?

The HTML element in which the credits will be displayed.

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abstract var creditViewport: Element?

The HTML element in which to display the credit popup. If not specified, the viewport will be a added as a sibling of the canvas.

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Adjust the DepthPlane to address rendering artefacts below ellipsoid zero elevation. Default value - 0.0

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abstract var ellipsoid: Ellipsoid?

The default ellipsoid. If not specified, the default ellipsoid is used. Default value - Ellipsoid.default

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abstract var mapMode2D: MapMode2D?

Determines if the 2D map is rotatable or can be scrolled infinitely in the horizontal direction. Default value - MapMode2D.INFINITE_SCROLL

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The map projection to use in 2D and Columbus View modes. Default value - GeographicProjection(options.ellipsoid)

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If requestRenderMode is true, this value defines the maximum change in simulation time allowed before a render is requested. See Improving Performance with Explicit Rendering. Default value - 0.0

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abstract var msaaSamples: Double?

If provided, this value controls the rate of multisample antialiasing. Typical multisampling rates are 2, 4, and sometimes 8 samples per pixel. Higher sampling rates of MSAA may impact performance in exchange for improved visual quality. This value only applies to WebGL2 contexts that support multisample render targets. Set to 1 to disable MSAA. Default value - 4

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If true and the configuration supports it, use order independent translucency. Default value - true

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abstract var requestRenderMode: Boolean?

If true, rendering a frame will only occur when needed as determined by changes within the scene. Enabling improves performance of the application, but requires using Scene.requestRender to render a new frame explicitly in this mode. This will be necessary in many cases after making changes to the scene in other parts of the API. See Improving Performance with Explicit Rendering. Default value - false

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abstract var scene3DOnly: Boolean?

If true, optimizes memory use and performance for 3D mode but disables the ability to use 2D or Columbus View. Default value - false

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abstract var shadows: Boolean?

Determines if shadows are cast by light sources. Default value - false