Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface EventSimulator<O : EventInit>
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external object Simulate

Simulate an event dispatch on a DOM node with optional eventData event data. Simulate has a method for every event that React understands.


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suspend fun <T> act(block: () -> T): T
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external fun <T> actAsync(callback: () -> T): Promise<T>
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suspend fun createRoot(container: HTMLElement, component: FC<Props>): Root
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inline operator fun <O : EventInit> EventSimulator<O>.invoke(element: Element, block: O.() -> Unit)
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external fun isElement(element: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if element is any React element.

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external fun isElementOfType(element: ReactElement<*>, type: ComponentType<*>): Boolean

Returns true if element is a React element whose type is of a React type.

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external fun renderIntoDocument(element: ReactElement<*>)

Render a React element into a detached DOM node in the document.

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fun runReactTest(testBody: suspend TestScope.(container: HTMLElement) -> Unit): TestResult
fun runReactTest(component: FC<Props>, testBody: suspend TestScope.(container: HTMLElement) -> Unit): TestResult
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suspend fun unmount(root: Root)