
external class SyntheticModule : Module(source)

This feature is only available with the --experimental-vm-modules command flag enabled.

The vm.SyntheticModule class provides the Synthetic Module Record as defined in the WebIDL specification. The purpose of synthetic modules is to provide a generic interface for exposing non-JavaScript sources to ECMAScript module graphs.

const vm = require('node:vm');

const source = '{ "a": 1 }';
const module = new vm.SyntheticModule(['default'], function() {
const obj = JSON.parse(source);
this.setExport('default', obj);

// Use `module` in linking...


v13.0.0, v12.16.0


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constructor(exportNames: ReadonlyArray<String>, evaluateCallback: () -> Unit, options: SyntheticModuleOptions = definedExternally)

Creates a new SyntheticModule instance.


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The specifiers of all dependencies of this module. The returned array is frozen to disallow any changes to it.

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var error: Any?

If the module.status is 'errored', this property contains the exception thrown by the module during evaluation. If the status is anything else, accessing this property will result in a thrown exception.

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The identifier of the current module, as set in the constructor.

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The namespace object of the module. This is only available after linking ( has completed.

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The current status of the module. Will be one of:


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fun evaluate(options: ModuleEvaluateOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>

Evaluate the module.

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fun link(linker: ModuleLinker): Promise<Void>

Link module dependencies. This method must be called before evaluation, and can only be called once per module.

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fun setExport(name: String, value: Any?)

This method is used after the module is linked to set the values of exports. If it is called before the module is linked, an ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS error will be thrown.