Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface BaseOptions
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sealed external interface CompileFunctionOptions : BaseOptions
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sealed external interface CompileFunctionResult : JsContextFunction<Void?, Nothing, Any?>
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sealed external interface Context : Record<String, Any?>
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sealed external interface CreateContextOptions
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sealed external interface CreateContextOptionsCodeGeneration
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sealed external interface MeasureMemoryMode
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sealed external interface MeasureMemoryOptions
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sealed external interface MeasureMemoryOptionsExecution
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sealed external interface MemoryMeasurement
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sealed external interface MemoryMeasurementTotal
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open external class Module

This feature is only available with the --experimental-vm-modules command flag enabled.

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sealed external interface ModuleEvaluateOptions
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typealias ModuleLinker = (specifier: String, referencingModule: Module, extra: ModuleLinkerExtra) -> PromiseResult<Module>
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sealed external interface ModuleLinkerExtra
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sealed external interface ModuleStatus
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sealed external interface RunningCodeOptions : RunningScriptOptions
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sealed external interface RunningScriptOptions : BaseOptions
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external class Script

Instances of the vm.Script class contain precompiled scripts that can be executed in specific contexts.

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sealed external interface ScriptOptions : BaseOptions
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external class SourceTextModule : Module

This feature is only available with the --experimental-vm-modules command flag enabled.

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sealed external interface SourceTextModuleOptions
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external class SyntheticModule : Module

This feature is only available with the --experimental-vm-modules command flag enabled.

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sealed external interface SyntheticModuleOptions


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external fun compileFunction(code: String, params: ReadonlyArray<String> = definedExternally, options: CompileFunctionOptions = definedExternally): CompileFunctionResult

Compiles the given code into the provided context (if no context is supplied, the current context is used), and returns it wrapped inside a function with the given params.

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external fun createContext(sandbox: Context = definedExternally, options: CreateContextOptions = definedExternally): Context

If given a contextObject, the vm.createContext() method will prepare that object and return a reference to it so that it can be used in {@link runInContext} or script.runInContext(). Inside such scripts, the contextObject will be the global object, retaining all of its existing properties but also having the built-in objects and functions any standard global object has. Outside of scripts run by the vm module, global variables will remain unchanged.

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external fun isContext(sandbox: Context): Boolean

Returns true if the given object object has been contextified using {@link createContext}.

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suspend fun measureMemory(options: MeasureMemoryOptions = undefined.unsafeCast<Nothing>()): MemoryMeasurement
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external fun measureMemoryAsync(options: MeasureMemoryOptions = definedExternally): Promise<MemoryMeasurement>

Measure the memory known to V8 and used by all contexts known to the current V8 isolate, or the main context.

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external fun runInContext(code: String, contextifiedObject: Context): Any?
external fun runInContext(code: String, contextifiedObject: Context, options: String = definedExternally): Any?
external fun runInContext(code: String, contextifiedObject: Context, options: RunningCodeOptions = definedExternally): Any?

The vm.runInContext() method compiles code, runs it within the context of the contextifiedObject, then returns the result. Running code does not have access to the local scope. The contextifiedObject object must have been previously contextified using the {@link createContext} method.

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external fun runInNewContext(code: String, contextObject: Context = definedExternally, options: String = definedExternally): Any?
external fun runInNewContext(code: String, contextObject: Context = definedExternally, options: RunningCodeInNewContextOptions = definedExternally): Any?

The vm.runInNewContext() first contextifies the given contextObject (or creates a new contextObject if passed as undefined), compiles the code, runs it within the created context, then returns the result. Running code does not have access to the local scope.

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external fun runInThisContext(code: String): Any?
external fun runInThisContext(code: String, options: String = definedExternally): Any?
external fun runInThisContext(code: String, options: RunningCodeOptions = definedExternally): Any?

vm.runInThisContext() compiles code, runs it within the context of the current global and returns the result. Running code does not have access to local scope, but does have access to the current global object.