
external class TimeInterval(source)

An interval defined by a start and a stop time; optionally including those times as part of the interval. Arbitrary data can optionally be associated with each instance for used with TimeIntervalCollection.

// Create an instance that spans August 1st, 1980 and is associated
// with a Cartesian position.
const timeInterval = new TimeInterval({
start : JulianDate.fromIso8601('1980-08-01T00:00:00Z'),
stop : JulianDate.fromIso8601('1980-08-02T00:00:00Z'),
isStartIncluded : true,
isStopIncluded : false,
data : Cartesian3.fromDegrees(39.921037, -75.170082)
// Create two instances from ISO 8601 intervals with associated numeric data
// then compute their intersection, summing the data they contain.
const left = TimeInterval.fromIso8601({
iso8601 : '2000/2010',
data : 2

const right = TimeInterval.fromIso8601({
iso8601 : '1995/2005',
data : 3

//The result of the below intersection will be an interval equivalent to
//const intersection = TimeInterval.fromIso8601({
// iso8601 : '2000/2005',
// data : 5
const intersection = new TimeInterval();
TimeInterval.intersect(left, right, intersection, function(leftData, rightData) {
return leftData + rightData;
// Check if an interval contains a specific time.
const dateToCheck = JulianDate.fromIso8601('1982-09-08T11:30:00Z');
const containsDate = TimeInterval.contains(timeInterval, dateToCheck);

See also


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object Companion


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var data: Any

Gets or sets the data associated with this interval.

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Gets whether or not this interval is empty.

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Gets or sets whether or not the start time is included in this interval.

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Gets or sets whether or not the stop time is included in this interval.

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Gets or sets the start time of this interval.

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Gets or sets the stop time of this interval.


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fun clone(result: TimeInterval? = definedExternally): TimeInterval

Duplicates this instance.

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fun equals(right: TimeInterval? = definedExternally, dataComparer: DataComparer? = definedExternally): Boolean

Compares this instance against the provided instance componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

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fun equalsEpsilon(right: TimeInterval? = definedExternally, epsilon: Double? = definedExternally, dataComparer: DataComparer? = definedExternally): Boolean

Compares this instance against the provided instance componentwise and returns true if they are within the provided epsilon, false otherwise.