Package-level declarations


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external class Recoverable : SyntaxError

Indicates a recoverable error that a REPLServer can use to support multi-line input.

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sealed external interface REPLCommand
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typealias REPLCommandAction = (text: String) -> Unit
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typealias REPLEval = (evalCmd: String, context: Context, file: String, cb: (err: JsError?, result: Any?) -> Unit) -> Unit
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sealed external interface ReplOptions
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external class REPLServer : _Interface

Instances of repl.REPLServer are created using the {@link start} method or directly using the JavaScript new keyword.

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sealed external interface REPLServerEvent
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typealias REPLWriter = (obj: Any?) -> String
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sealed external interface Writer : JsContextFunction<Void?, JsTuple1<Any?>, String>


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external val REPL_MODE_SLOPPY: Symbol

A flag passed in the REPL options. Evaluates expressions in sloppy mode.

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external val REPL_MODE_STRICT: Symbol

A flag passed in the REPL options. Evaluates expressions in strict mode. This is equivalent to prefacing every repl statement with 'use strict'.

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external val writer: Writer

This is the default "writer" value, if none is passed in the REPL options, and it can be overridden by custom print functions.


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external fun start(): REPLServer
external fun start(options: String = definedExternally): REPLServer
external fun start(options: ReplOptions = definedExternally): REPLServer

The repl.start() method creates and starts a {@link REPLServer} instance.