
open external class _Interface : EventEmitter(source)

Instances of the readline.Interface class are constructed using the readline.createInterface() method. Every instance is associated with a single input Readable stream and a single output Writable stream. The output stream is used to print prompts for user input that arrives on, and is read from, the input stream.





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constructor(input: ReadableStream, output: WritableStream = definedExternally, completer: Completer = definedExternally, terminal: Boolean = definedExternally)

NOTE: According to the documentation:

constructor(input: ReadableStream, output: WritableStream = definedExternally, completer: AsyncCompleter = definedExternally, terminal: Boolean = definedExternally)

NOTE: According to the documentation:

constructor(options: ReadLineOptions)

NOTE: According to the documentation:


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The cursor position relative to rl.line.

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The current input data being processed by node.

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open fun addListener(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)


fun addListener(event: InterfaceEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: InterfaceEvent.LINE, listener: (input: String) -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: InterfaceEvent.PAUSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: InterfaceEvent.RESUME, listener: () -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGCONT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGINT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun addListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGTSTP, listener: () -> Unit)
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fun close()

The rl.close() method closes the Interface instance and relinquishes control over the input and output streams. When called, the 'close' event will be emitted.

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open fun emit(event: Symbol, vararg args: Any?): Boolean
open fun emit(event: String, vararg args: Any?): Boolean
fun emit(event: InterfaceEvent.LINE, input: String): Boolean
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Returns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners. The values in the array are strings or Symbols.

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Returns the real position of the cursor in relation to the input prompt + string. Long input (wrapping) strings, as well as multiple line prompts are included in the calculations.

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Returns the current max listener value for the EventEmitter which is either set by emitter.setMaxListeners(n) or defaults to {@link defaultMaxListeners}.

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The rl.getPrompt() method returns the current prompt used by rl.prompt().

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open fun on(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.HISTORY, listener: (ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.LINE, listener: (input: String) -> Unit)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.PAUSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.RESUME, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGCONT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGINT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun on(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGTSTP, listener: () -> Unit)
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open fun once(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.HISTORY, listener: (ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.LINE, listener: (input: String) -> Unit)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.PAUSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.RESUME, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGCONT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGINT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun once(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGTSTP, listener: () -> Unit)
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fun pause()

The rl.pause() method pauses the input stream, allowing it to be resumed later if necessary.

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open fun prependListener(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun prependListener(event: InterfaceEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: InterfaceEvent.LINE, listener: (input: String) -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: InterfaceEvent.PAUSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: InterfaceEvent.RESUME, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGCONT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGINT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGTSTP, listener: () -> Unit)
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open fun prependOnceListener(event: String, listener: Function<Unit>)
fun prependOnceListener(event: InterfaceEvent.CLOSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: InterfaceEvent.LINE, listener: (input: String) -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: InterfaceEvent.PAUSE, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: InterfaceEvent.RESUME, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGCONT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGINT, listener: () -> Unit)
fun prependOnceListener(event: InterfaceEvent.SIGTSTP, listener: () -> Unit)
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fun prompt(preserveCursor: Boolean = definedExternally)

The rl.prompt() method writes the Interface instances configuredprompt to a new line in output in order to provide a user with a new location at which to provide input.

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fun question(query: String, callback: (answer: String) -> Unit)

The rl.question() method displays the query by writing it to the output, waits for user input to be provided on input, then invokes the callback function passing the provided input as the first argument.

fun question(query: String, options: Abortable, callback: (answer: String) -> Unit)
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fun resume()

The rl.resume() method resumes the input stream if it has been paused.

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By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are added for a particular event. This is a useful default that helps finding memory leaks. The emitter.setMaxListeners() method allows the limit to be modified for this specific EventEmitter instance. The value can be set to Infinity (or 0) to indicate an unlimited number of listeners.

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fun setPrompt(prompt: String)

The rl.setPrompt() method sets the prompt that will be written to output whenever rl.prompt() is called.

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fun write(data: String, key: Key = definedExternally)
fun write(data: Buffer, key: Key = definedExternally)

The rl.write() method will write either data or a key sequence identified by key to the output. The key argument is supported only if output is a TTY text terminal. See TTY keybindings for a list of key combinations.

fun write(data: String?, key: Key)
fun write(data: Buffer?, key: Key)