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Enables/disables column filtering for all columns. API Docs Guide

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abstract var enableFilters: Boolean?

Enables/disables all filtering for the table. API Docs Guide

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By default, filtering is done from parent rows down (so if a parent row is filtered out, all of its children will be filtered out as well). Setting this option to true will cause filtering to be done from leaf rows up (which means parent rows will be included so long as one of their child or grand-child rows is also included). API Docs Guide

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abstract var getFilteredRowModel: (table: Table<TData>) -> () -> RowModel<TData>?

If provided, this function is called once per table and should return a new function which will calculate and return the row model for the table when it's filtered.

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abstract var manualFiltering: Boolean?

Disables the getFilteredRowModel from being used to filter data. This may be useful if your table needs to dynamically support both client-side and server-side filtering. API Docs Guide

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abstract var maxLeafRowFilterDepth: Int?

By default, filtering is done for all rows (max depth of 100), no matter if they are root level parent rows or the child leaf rows of a parent row. Setting this option to 0 will cause filtering to only be applied to the root level parent rows, with all sub-rows remaining unfiltered. Similarly, setting this option to 1 will cause filtering to only be applied to child leaf rows 1 level deep, and so on. var : This is useful for situations where you want a row's entire child hierarchy to be visible regardless of the applied filter. var * API Docs: * API Docs var * Guide: * Guide

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If provided, this function will be called with an updaterFn when state.columnFilters changes. This overrides the default internal state management, so you will need to persist the state change either fully or partially outside of the table. API Docs Guide