A GeometryUpdater for polylines. Clients do not normally create this class directly, but instead rely on DataSourceDisplay.
The scene where visualization is taking place.
See also
Gets a value indicating if the geometry is clamped to the ground. Returns false if polylines on terrain is not supported.
Gets or sets the ClassificationType Property specifying if this geometry will classify terrain, 3D Tiles, or both when on the ground.
Gets the material property used to fill the geometry when it fails the depth test.
Gets or sets the DistanceDisplayCondition Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this geometry will be displayed.
Gets a value indicating if the geometry has a fill component.
Gets the material property used to fill the geometry.
Gets an event that is raised whenever the public properties of this updater change.
Gets a value indicating if fill visibility varies with simulation time.
Gets a value indicating if outline visibility varies with simulation time.
Gets the Color property for the geometry outline.
Gets a value indicating if the geometry has an outline component.
Gets the property specifying whether the geometry casts or receives shadows from light sources.
Creates the geometry instance which represents the fill of the geometry.
Creates the geometry instance which represents the outline of the geometry.
Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
Checks if the geometry is filled at the provided time.
Checks if the geometry is outlined at the provided time.