Package-level declarations


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open external class CustomEvent<out D>(val type: EventType<CustomEvent<D>>, init: CustomEventInit<D> = definedExternally) : Event
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external interface CustomEventInit<out D> : EventInit
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open external class Event(val type: EventType<Event>, init: EventInit = definedExternally)

An event which takes place in the DOM.

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sealed external interface EventHandler<in E : Event, out C : EventTarget, out T : EventTarget>
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external interface EventInit
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class EventInstance<out E : Event, out C : EventTarget, out T : EventTarget>(target: C, type: EventType<E>)
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external interface EventListenerOptions
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sealed external interface EventPhase
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open external class EventTarget
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sealed external interface EventType<out E : Event>
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sealed external class EventTypes : EventTypes_deprecated
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sealed external class EventTypes_deprecated
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external interface HasTargets<out C : EventTarget, out T : EventTarget>
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open external class ProgressEvent(val type: EventType<ProgressEvent>, init: ProgressEventInit = definedExternally) : Event

Events measuring progress of an underlying process, like an HTTP request (for an XMLHttpRequest, or the loading of the underlying resource of an ,