Package-level declarations


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object SVG
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sealed external class SVGAngle

Used to represent a value that can be an or value. An SVGAngle reflected through the animVal attribute is always read only.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedAngle

Used for attributes of basic type which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedBoolean

Used for attributes of type boolean which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedEnumeration<T>

Used for attributes whose value must be a constant from a particular enumeration and which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedInteger

Used for attributes of basic type which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedLength

Used for attributes of basic type which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedLengthList

Used for attributes of type SVGLengthList which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedNumber

Used for attributes of basic type which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedNumberList

The SVGAnimatedNumber interface is used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated.

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sealed external interface SVGAnimatedPoints
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sealed external class SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio

Used for attributes of type SVGPreserveAspectRatio which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedRect

Used for attributes of basic SVGRect which can be animated.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedString

The SVGAnimatedString interface represents string attributes which can be animated from each SVG declaration. You need to create SVG attribute before doing anything else, everything should be declared inside this.

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sealed external class SVGAnimatedTransformList

Used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated.

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external interface SVGBoundingBoxOptions
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open external class SVGCircleElement : SVGGeometryElement

An interface for the element. The circle element is defined by the cx and cy attributes that denote the coordinates of the centre of the circle.

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open external class SVGClipPathElement : SVGElement

Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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A base interface used by the component transfer function interfaces.

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open external class SVGDefsElement : SVGGraphicsElement

Corresponds to the element.

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open external class SVGDescElement : SVGElement

Corresponds to the element.

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All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the SVGElement interface.

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Provides access to the properties of elements.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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open external class SVGFEDistantLightElement : SVGElement

Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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open external class SVGFEMergeNodeElement : SVGElement

Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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open external class SVGFEPointLightElement : SVGElement

Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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open external class SVGFESpotLightElement : SVGElement

Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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sealed external interface SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
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sealed external interface SVGFitToViewBox
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Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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open external class SVGGElement : SVGGraphicsElement

Corresponds to the element.

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The SVGGradient interface is a base interface used by SVGLinearGradientElement and SVGRadialGradientElement.

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open external class SVGGraphicsElement : SVGElement, SVGTests

SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group.

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Corresponds to the element.

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sealed external class SVGLength

Correspond to the basic data type.

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The SVGLengthList defines a list of SVGLength objects.

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Corresponds to the element.

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open external class SVGLineElement : SVGGeometryElement

Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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open external class SVGMaskElement : SVGElement

Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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open external class SVGMetadataElement : SVGElement

Corresponds to the element.

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sealed external class SVGNumber

Corresponds to the basic data type.

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The SVGNumberList defines a list of SVGNumber objects.

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open external class SVGPathElement : SVGGeometryElement

Corresponds to the element.

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Corresponds to the element.

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Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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sealed external class SVGPreserveAspectRatio

Corresponds to the preserveAspectRatio attribute, which is available for some of SVG's elements.

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Corresponds to the element.

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open external class SVGRectElement : SVGGeometryElement

Provides access to the properties of elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

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Corresponds to the SVG