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open override val packedLength: Int

The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.


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fun clone(sphere: BoundingSphere, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Duplicates a BoundingSphere instance.

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fun computePlaneDistances(sphere: BoundingSphere, position: Cartesian3, direction: Cartesian3, result: Interval? = definedExternally): Interval

The distances calculated by the vector from the center of the bounding sphere to position projected onto direction plus/minus the radius of the bounding sphere.

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Computes the estimated distance squared from the closest point on a bounding sphere to a point.

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fun equals(left: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally, right: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): Boolean

Compares the provided BoundingSphere componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

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fun expand(sphere: BoundingSphere, point: Cartesian3, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a bounding sphere by enlarging the provided sphere to contain the provided point.

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fun fromBoundingSpheres(boundingSpheres: ReadonlyArray<BoundingSphere>? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing the provided array of bounding spheres.

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fun fromCornerPoints(corner: Cartesian3? = definedExternally, oppositeCorner: Cartesian3? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a bounding sphere from the corner points of an axis-aligned bounding box. The sphere tightly and fully encompasses the box.

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fun fromEllipsoid(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Creates a bounding sphere encompassing an ellipsoid.

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fun fromEncodedCartesianVertices(positionsHigh: ReadonlyArray<Double>? = definedExternally, positionsLow: ReadonlyArray<Double>? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing a list of EncodedCartesian3s, where the points are stored in parallel flat arrays in X, Y, Z, order. The bounding sphere is computed by running two algorithms, a naive algorithm and Ritter's algorithm. The smaller of the two spheres is used to ensure a tight fit.

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fun fromOrientedBoundingBox(orientedBoundingBox: OrientedBoundingBox, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing the provided oriented bounding box.

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fun fromPoints(positions: ReadonlyArray<Cartesian3>? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing a list of 3D Cartesian points. The bounding sphere is computed by running two algorithms, a naive algorithm and Ritter's algorithm. The smaller of the two spheres is used to ensure a tight fit.

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fun fromRectangle2D(rectangle: Rectangle? = definedExternally, projection: Any? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a bounding sphere from a rectangle projected in 2D.

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fun fromRectangle3D(rectangle: Rectangle? = definedExternally, ellipsoid: Ellipsoid? = definedExternally, surfaceHeight: Double? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a bounding sphere from a rectangle in 3D. The bounding sphere is created using a subsample of points on the ellipsoid and contained in the rectangle. It may not be accurate for all rectangles on all types of ellipsoids.

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fun fromRectangleWithHeights2D(rectangle: Rectangle? = definedExternally, projection: Any? = definedExternally, minimumHeight: Double? = definedExternally, maximumHeight: Double? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a bounding sphere from a rectangle projected in 2D. The bounding sphere accounts for the object's minimum and maximum heights over the rectangle.

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fun fromTransformation(transformation: Matrix4, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing the provided affine transformation.

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fun fromVertices(positions: ReadonlyArray<Double>? = definedExternally, center: Cartesian3? = definedExternally, stride: Int? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a tight-fitting bounding sphere enclosing a list of 3D points, where the points are stored in a flat array in X, Y, Z, order. The bounding sphere is computed by running two algorithms, a naive algorithm and Ritter's algorithm. The smaller of the two spheres is used to ensure a tight fit.

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Determines which side of a plane a sphere is located.

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fun isOccluded(sphere: BoundingSphere, occluder: Occluder): Boolean

Determines whether or not a sphere is hidden from view by the occluder.

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open override fun pack(value: BoundingSphere, array: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int?): ReadonlyArray<Double>

Stores the provided instance into the provided array.

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fun projectTo2D(sphere: BoundingSphere, projection: Any? = definedExternally, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Creates a bounding sphere in 2D from a bounding sphere in 3D world coordinates.

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fun transform(sphere: BoundingSphere, transform: Matrix4, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Applies a 4x4 affine transformation matrix to a bounding sphere.

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fun transformWithoutScale(sphere: BoundingSphere, transform: Matrix4, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Applies a 4x4 affine transformation matrix to a bounding sphere where there is no scale The transformation matrix is not verified to have a uniform scale of 1. This method is faster than computing the general bounding sphere transform using BoundingSphere.transform.

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fun union(left: BoundingSphere, right: BoundingSphere, result: BoundingSphere? = definedExternally): BoundingSphere

Computes a bounding sphere that contains both the left and right bounding spheres.

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open override fun unpack(array: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int?, result: BoundingSphere?): BoundingSphere

Retrieves an instance from a packed array.