
sealed interface FromGltfAsyncOptions(source)


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abstract var allowPicking: Boolean?

When true, each primitive is pickable with Scene.pick. Default value - true

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abstract var asynchronous: Boolean?

Determines if model WebGL resource creation will be spread out over several frames or block until completion once all glTF files are loaded. Default value - true

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abstract var backFaceCulling: Boolean?

Whether to cull back-facing geometry. When true, back face culling is determined by the material's doubleSided property; when false, back face culling is disabled. Back faces are not culled if the model's color is translucent. Default value - true

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abstract var basePath: Resource?

The base path that paths in the glTF JSON are relative to. Default value - ''

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abstract var clampAnimations: Boolean?

Determines if the model's animations should hold a pose over frames where no keyframes are specified. Default value - true

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Determines whether terrain, 3D Tiles or both will be classified by this model. This cannot be set after the model has loaded.

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The ClippingPlaneCollection used to selectively disable rendering the model.

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The ClippingPolygonCollection used to selectively disable rendering the model.

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abstract var color: Color?

A color that blends with the model's rendered color.

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abstract var colorBlendAmount: Double?

Value used to determine the color strength when the colorBlendMode is MIX. A value of 0.0 results in the model's rendered color while a value of 1.0 results in a solid color, with any value in-between resulting in a mix of the two. Default value - 0.5

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Defines how the color blends with the model. Default value - ColorBlendMode.HIGHLIGHT

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The tile content this model belongs to. This property will be undefined if model is not loaded as part of a tileset.

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abstract var credit: Credit?

A credit for the data source, which is displayed on the canvas.

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abstract var cull: Boolean?

Whether or not to cull the model using frustum/horizon culling. If the model is part of a 3D Tiles tileset, this property will always be false, since the 3D Tiles culling system is used. Default value - true

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abstract var customShader: CustomShader?

A custom shader. This will add user-defined GLSL code to the vertex and fragment shaders. Using custom shaders with a Cesium3DTileStyle may lead to undefined behavior.

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For debugging only. Draws the bounding sphere for each draw command in the model. Default value - false

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abstract var debugWireframe: Boolean?

For debugging only. Draws the model in wireframe. Will only work for WebGL1 if enableDebugWireframe is set to true. Default value - false

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The condition specifying at what distance from the camera that this model will be displayed.

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For debugging only. This must be set to true for debugWireframe to work in WebGL1. This cannot be set after the model has loaded. Default value - false

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abstract var enablePick: Boolean?

Whether to allow with CPU picking with pick when not using WebGL 2 or above. If using WebGL 2 or above, this option will be ignored. If using WebGL 1 and this is true, the pick operation will work correctly, but it will use more memory to do so. If running with WebGL 1 and this is false, the model will use less memory, but pick will always return undefined. This cannot be set after the model has loaded. Default value - false

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abstract var enableShowOutline: Boolean?

Whether to enable outlines for models using the CESIUM_primitive_outline extension. This can be set false to avoid post-processing geometry at load time. When false, the showOutlines and outlineColor options are ignored. Default value - true

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abstract var featureIdLabel: String?

Label of the feature ID set to use for picking and styling. For EXT_mesh_features, this is the feature ID's label property, or "featureId_N" (where N is the index in the featureIds array) when not specified. EXT_feature_metadata did not have a label field, so such feature ID sets are always labeled "featureId_N" where N is the index in the list of all feature Ids, where feature ID attributes are listed before feature ID textures. If featureIdLabel is an integer N, it is converted to the string "featureId_N" automatically. If both per-primitive and per-instance feature IDs are present, the instance feature IDs take priority. Default value - "featureId_0"

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abstract var forwardAxis: Axis?

The forward-axis of the glTF model. Default value - Axis.Z

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abstract var gltfCallback: GltfCallback?

A function that is called with the loaded gltf object once loaded.

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Determines how the model is drawn relative to terrain. Default value - HeightReference.NONE

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abstract var id: Any?

A user-defined object to return when the model is picked with Scene.pick.

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The properties for managing image-based lighting on this model.

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Determine if textures may continue to stream in after the model is loaded. Default value - true

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Label of the instance feature ID set used for picking and styling. If instanceFeatureIdLabel is set to an integer N, it is converted to the string "instanceFeatureId_N" automatically. If both per-primitive and per-instance feature IDs are present, the instance feature IDs take priority. Default value - "instanceFeatureId_0"

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abstract var lightColor: Cartesian3?

The light color when shading the model. When undefined the scene's light color is used instead.

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abstract var maximumScale: Double?

The maximum scale size of a model. An upper limit for minimumPixelSize.

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abstract var minimumPixelSize: Double?

The approximate minimum pixel size of the model regardless of zoom. Default value - 0.0

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abstract var modelMatrix: Matrix4?

The 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms the model from model to world coordinates. Default value - Matrix4.IDENTITY

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abstract var opaquePass: Boolean?

The pass to use in the DrawCommand for the opaque portions of the model. Default value - Pass.OPAQUE

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abstract var outlineColor: Color?

The color to use when rendering outlines. Default value - Color.BLACK

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abstract var pointCloudShading: Any?

Options for constructing a PointCloudShading object to control point attenuation and lighting.

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abstract var projectTo2D: Boolean?

Whether to accurately project the model's positions in 2D. If this is true, the model will be projected accurately to 2D, but it will use more memory to do so. If this is false, the model will use less memory and will still render in 2D / CV mode, but its positions may be inaccurate. This disables minimumPixelSize and prevents future modification to the model matrix. This also cannot be set after the model has loaded. Default value - false

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abstract var releaseGltfJson: Boolean?

When true, the glTF JSON is released once the glTF is loaded. This is is especially useful for cases like 3D Tiles, where each .gltf model is unique and caching the glTF JSON is not effective. Default value - false

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abstract var scale: Double?

A uniform scale applied to this model. Default value - 1.0

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abstract var scene: Scene?

Must be passed in for models that use the height reference property.

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abstract var shadows: ShadowMode?

Determines whether the model casts or receives shadows from light sources. Default value - ShadowMode.ENABLED

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abstract var show: Boolean?

Whether or not to render the model. Default value - true

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Whether to display the credits of this model on screen. Default value - false

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abstract var showOutline: Boolean?

Whether to display the outline for models using the CESIUM_primitive_outline extension. When true, outlines are displayed. When false, outlines are not displayed. Default value - true

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abstract var silhouetteColor: Color?

The silhouette color. If more than 256 models have silhouettes enabled, there is a small chance that overlapping models will have minor artifacts. Default value - Color.RED

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abstract var silhouetteSize: Double?

The size of the silhouette in pixels. Default value - 0.0

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The SplitDirection split to apply to this model. Default value - SplitDirection.NONE

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abstract var upAxis: Axis?

The up-axis of the glTF model. Default value - Axis.Y

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abstract var url: Resource

The url to the .gltf or .glb file.