
external class EllipsoidTangentPlane(var origin: Cartesian3, var ellipsoid: Ellipsoid = definedExternally)(source)

A plane tangent to the provided ellipsoid at the provided origin. If origin is not on the surface of the ellipsoid, it's surface projection will be used. If origin is at the center of the ellipsoid, an exception will be thrown.

See also


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constructor(origin: Cartesian3, ellipsoid: Ellipsoid = definedExternally)


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object Companion


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The ellipsoid to use. Default value - Ellipsoid.default

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The point on the surface of the ellipsoid where the tangent plane touches.

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Gets the plane which is tangent to the ellipsoid.

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Gets the local X-axis (east) of the tangent plane.

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Gets the local Y-axis (north) of the tangent plane.

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Gets the local Z-axis (up) of the tangent plane.


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fun projectPointOntoEllipsoid(cartesian: Cartesian2, result: Cartesian3? = definedExternally): Cartesian3

Computes the projection of the provided 2D position onto the 3D ellipsoid.

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fun projectPointOntoPlane(cartesian: Cartesian3, result: Cartesian2? = definedExternally): Cartesian2

Computes the projection of the provided 3D position onto the 2D plane, radially outward from the EllipsoidTangentPlane.ellipsoid coordinate system origin.

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Computes the projection of the provided 2D positions onto the 3D ellipsoid.

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Computes the projection of the provided 3D positions onto the 2D plane (where possible), radially outward from the global origin. The resulting array may be shorter than the input array - if a single projection is impossible it will not be included.

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Computes the projection of the provided 3D positions onto the 2D plane, along the plane normal.

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fun projectPointToNearestOnPlane(cartesian: Cartesian3, result: Cartesian2? = definedExternally): Cartesian2

Computes the projection of the provided 3D position onto the 2D plane, along the plane normal.