
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)

Initialization options for the Label constructor

See also


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abstract var backgroundColor: Color?

A Color specifying the background color of the label. Default value - Color(0.165, 0.165, 0.165, 0.8)

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A Cartesian2 Specifying the horizontal and vertical background padding in pixels. Default value - Cartesian2(7, 5)

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A number specifying the distance from the camera at which to disable the depth test to, for example, prevent clipping against terrain.

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A DistanceDisplayCondition specifying at what distance from the camera that this label will be displayed.

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abstract var eyeOffset: Cartesian3?

A Cartesian3 specifying the 3D Cartesian offset applied to this label in eye coordinates. Default value - Cartesian3.ZERO

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abstract var fillColor: Color?

A Color specifying the fill color of the label. Default value - Color.WHITE

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abstract var font: String?

A string specifying the font used to draw this label. Fonts are specified using the same syntax as the CSS 'font' property. Default value - '30px sans-serif'

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A HeightReference specifying the height reference of this label. Default value - HeightReference.NONE

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A HorizontalOrigin specifying the horizontal origin of this label. Default value - HorizontalOrigin.LEFT

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abstract var id: Any?

A user-defined object to return when the label is picked with Scene.pick.

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abstract var outlineColor: Color?

A Color specifying the outline color of the label. Default value - Color.BLACK

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abstract var outlineWidth: Double?

A number specifying the outline width of the label. Default value - 1.0

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abstract var pixelOffset: Cartesian2?

A Cartesian2 specifying the pixel offset in screen space from the origin of this label. Default value - Cartesian2.ZERO

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A NearFarScalar specifying near and far pixel offset scaling properties of the label based on the label's distance from the camera.

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abstract var position: Cartesian3

The cartesian position of the label.

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abstract var scale: Double?

A number specifying the uniform scale that is multiplied with the label size. Default value - 1.0

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A NearFarScalar specifying near and far scaling properties of the label based on the label's distance from the camera.

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abstract var show: Boolean?

Determines if this label will be shown. Default value - true

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abstract var showBackground: Boolean?

Determines if a background behind this label will be shown. Default value - false

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abstract var style: LabelStyle?

A LabelStyle specifying the style of the label. Default value - LabelStyle.FILL

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abstract var text: String?

A string specifying the text of the label.

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A NearFarScalar specifying near and far translucency properties of the label based on the label's distance from the camera.

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A VerticalOrigin specifying the vertical origin of this label. Default value - VerticalOrigin.BASELINE