
external class NearFarScalar(var near: Double = definedExternally, var nearValue: Double = definedExternally, var far: Double = definedExternally, var farValue: Double = definedExternally)(source)

Represents a scalar value's lower and upper bound at a near distance and far distance in eye space.

See also


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constructor(near: Double = definedExternally, nearValue: Double = definedExternally, far: Double = definedExternally, farValue: Double = definedExternally)


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var far: Double

The upper bound of the camera range. Default value - 1.0

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The value at the upper bound of the camera range. Default value - 0.0

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The lower bound of the camera range. Default value - 0.0

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The value at the lower bound of the camera range. Default value - 0.0


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fun clone(result: NearFarScalar? = definedExternally): NearFarScalar

Duplicates this instance.