Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface AnyAaaaRecord : RecordWithTtl
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sealed external interface AnyARecord : RecordWithTtl
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sealed external interface AnyCnameRecord
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sealed external interface AnyMxRecord : MxRecord
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sealed external interface AnyNaptrRecord : NaptrRecord
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sealed external interface AnyNsRecord
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sealed external interface AnyPtrRecord
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typealias AnyRecord = Any
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typealias AnyRecordWithTtl = Any
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sealed external interface AnySoaRecord : SoaRecord
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sealed external interface AnySrvRecord : SrvRecord
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sealed external interface AnyTxtRecord
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sealed external interface CaaRecord
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sealed external interface GetDefaultResultOrderResult
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sealed external interface LookupAddress
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sealed external interface LookupAllOptions : LookupOptions
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sealed external interface LookupOneOptions : LookupOptions
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sealed external interface LookupOptions
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sealed external interface LookupOptionsOrder
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sealed external interface LookupServiceResultPayload
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sealed external interface MxRecord
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sealed external interface NaptrRecord
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sealed external interface RecordWithTtl
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sealed external interface ResolveOptions
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external class Resolver

An independent resolver for DNS requests.

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sealed external interface ResolverOptions
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sealed external interface ResolveWithTtlOptions : ResolveOptions
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sealed external interface ResourceRecordType
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sealed external interface SetDefaultResultOrderOrder
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sealed external interface SoaRecord
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sealed external interface SrvRecord


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external val ADDRCONFIG: Double

Limits returned address types to the types of non-loopback addresses configured on the system. For example, IPv4 addresses are only returned if the current system has at least one IPv4 address configured.

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external val ALL: Double

If dns.V4MAPPED is specified, return resolved IPv6 addresses as well as IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses.

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external val BADFAMILY: String
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external val BADFLAGS: String
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external val BADHINTS: String
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external val BADNAME: String
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external val BADQUERY: String
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external val BADRESP: String
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external val BADSTR: String
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external val CANCELLED: String
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external val CONNREFUSED: String
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external val DESTRUCTION: String
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external val EOF: String
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external val FILE: String
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external val FORMERR: String
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external val LOADIPHLPAPI: String
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external val NODATA: String
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external val NOMEM: String
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external val NONAME: String
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external val NOTFOUND: String
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external val NOTIMP: String
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external val NOTINITIALIZED: String
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external val REFUSED: String
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external val SERVFAIL: String
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external val TIMEOUT: String
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external val V4MAPPED: Double

If the IPv6 family was specified, but no IPv6 addresses were found, then return IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses. It is not supported on some operating systems (e.g. FreeBSD 10.1).


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Get the default value for order in {@link lookup} and dnsPromises.lookup(). The value could be:

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Returns an array of IP address strings, formatted according to RFC 5952, that are currently configured for DNS resolution. A string will include a port section if a custom port is used.

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suspend fun lookup(hostname: String): LookupAddress
external fun lookup(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, address: String, family: Double) -> Unit)
suspend fun lookup(hostname: String, family: Number): LookupAddress
suspend fun lookup(hostname: String, options: LookupAllOptions): ReadonlyArray<LookupAddress>
suspend fun lookup(hostname: String, options: LookupOneOptions): LookupAddress
suspend fun lookup(hostname: String, options: LookupOptions): Any
external fun lookup(hostname: String, options: LookupAllOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<LookupAddress>) -> Unit)
external fun lookup(hostname: String, options: LookupOneOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, address: String, family: Double) -> Unit)
external fun lookup(hostname: String, options: LookupOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, address: Any, family: Double) -> Unit)

external fun lookup(hostname: String, family: Number, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, address: String, family: Double) -> Unit)

Resolves a host name (e.g. '') into the first found A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record. All option properties are optional. If options is an integer, then it must be 4 or 6 – if options is 0 or not provided, then IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are both returned if found.

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external fun lookupAsync(hostname: String): Promise<LookupAddress>
external fun lookupAsync(hostname: String, options: LookupOneOptions): Promise<LookupAddress>
external fun lookupAsync(hostname: String, options: LookupOptions): Promise<Any>

external fun lookupAsync(hostname: String, family: Number): Promise<LookupAddress>

Resolves a host name (e.g. '') into the first found A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record. All option properties are optional. If options is an integer, then it must be 4 or 6 – if options is not provided, then IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are both returned if found.

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external fun lookupService(address: String, port: Number, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, hostname: String, service: String) -> Unit)

Resolves the given address and port into a host name and service using the operating system's underlying getnameinfo implementation.

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Resolves the given address and port into a host name and service using the operating system's underlying getnameinfo implementation.

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suspend fun resolve(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: String): Any
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.A): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.AAAA): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.ANY): ReadonlyArray<AnyRecord>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.CAA): ReadonlyArray<CaaRecord>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.CNAME): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.MX): ReadonlyArray<MxRecord>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.NS): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.PTR): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.SOA): SoaRecord
suspend fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.SRV): ReadonlyArray<SrvRecord>
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, addresses: Any) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.A, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.AAAA, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.ANY, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<AnyRecord>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.CNAME, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.MX, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<MxRecord>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.NAPTR, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<NaptrRecord>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.NS, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.PTR, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.SOA, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, addresses: SoaRecord) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.SRV, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<SrvRecord>) -> Unit)
external fun resolve(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.TXT, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<ReadonlyArray<String>>) -> Unit)

external fun resolve(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a host name (e.g. '') into an array of the resource records. The callback function has arguments (err, records). When successful, records will be an array of resource records. The type and structure of individual results varies based on rrtype:

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suspend fun resolve4(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve4(hostname: String, options: ResolveOptions): Any
external fun resolve4(hostname: String, options: ResolveOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, addresses: Any) -> Unit)
external fun resolve4(hostname: String, options: ResolveWithTtlOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<RecordWithTtl>) -> Unit)

external fun resolve4(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a IPv4 addresses (A records) for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of IPv4 addresses (e.g.['', '', '']).

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external fun resolve4Async(hostname: String): Promise<ReadonlyArray<String>>

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve IPv4 addresses (A records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of IPv4 addresses (e.g. ['', '', '']).

external fun resolve4Async(hostname: String, options: ResolveOptions): Promise<Any>
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suspend fun resolve6(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<String>
suspend fun resolve6(hostname: String, options: ResolveOptions): Any
external fun resolve6(hostname: String, options: ResolveOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, addresses: Any) -> Unit)
external fun resolve6(hostname: String, options: ResolveWithTtlOptions, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<RecordWithTtl>) -> Unit)

external fun resolve6(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve IPv6 addresses (AAAA records) for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of IPv6 addresses.

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external fun resolve6Async(hostname: String): Promise<ReadonlyArray<String>>

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve IPv6 addresses (AAAA records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of IPv6 addresses.

external fun resolve6Async(hostname: String, options: ResolveOptions): Promise<Any>
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suspend fun resolveAny(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<AnyRecord>

external fun resolveAny(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<AnyRecord>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve all records (also known as ANY or * query). The ret argument passed to the callback function will be an array containing various types of records. Each object has a property type that indicates the type of the current record. And depending on the type, additional properties will be present on the object:

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve all records (also known as ANY or * query). On success, the Promise is resolved with an array containing various types of records. Each object has a property type that indicates the type of the current record. And depending on the type, additional properties will be present on the object:

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external fun resolveAsync(hostname: String): Promise<ReadonlyArray<String>>

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a host name (e.g. '') into an array of the resource records. When successful, the Promise is resolved with an array of resource records. The type and structure of individual results vary based on rrtype:

external fun resolveAsync(hostname: String, rrtype: String): Promise<Any>
external fun resolveAsync(hostname: String, rrtype: ResourceRecordType.SOA): Promise<SoaRecord>
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suspend fun resolveCaa(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<CaaRecord>

external fun resolveCaa(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<CaaRecord>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve CAA records for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of certification authority authorization records available for the hostname (e.g. [{critical: 0, iodef: ''}, {critical: 128, issue: ''}]).

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve CAA records for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of objects containing available certification authority authorization records available for the hostname (e.g. [{critical: 0, iodef: ''},{critical: 128, issue: ''}]).

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suspend fun resolveCname(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<String>

external fun resolveCname(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve CNAME records for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of canonical name records available for the hostname (e.g. ['']).

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve CNAME records for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of canonical name records available for the hostname (e.g. ['']).

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suspend fun resolveMx(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<MxRecord>

external fun resolveMx(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<MxRecord>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve mail exchange records (MX records) for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of objects containing both a priority and exchange property (e.g. [{priority: 10, exchange: ''}, ...]).

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve mail exchange records (MX records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of objects containing both a priority and exchange property (e.g.[{priority: 10, exchange: ''}, ...]).

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suspend fun resolveNaptr(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<NaptrRecord>

external fun resolveNaptr(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<NaptrRecord>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve regular expression-based records (NAPTR records) for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of objects with the following properties:

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve regular expression-based records (NAPTR records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of objects with the following properties:

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suspend fun resolveNs(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<String>

external fun resolveNs(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve name server records (NS records) for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of name server records available for hostname (e.g. ['', '']).

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external fun resolveNsAsync(hostname: String): Promise<ReadonlyArray<String>>

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve name server records (NS records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of name server records available for hostname (e.g.['', '']).

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suspend fun resolvePtr(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<String>

external fun resolvePtr(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve pointer records (PTR records) for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will be an array of strings containing the reply records.

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve pointer records (PTR records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of strings containing the reply records.

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suspend fun resolveSoa(hostname: String): SoaRecord

external fun resolveSoa(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, address: SoaRecord) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a start of authority record (SOA record) for the hostname. The address argument passed to the callback function will be an object with the following properties:

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external fun resolveSoaAsync(hostname: String): Promise<SoaRecord>

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a start of authority record (SOA record) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an object with the following properties:

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suspend fun resolveSrv(hostname: String): ReadonlyArray<SrvRecord>

external fun resolveSrv(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<SrvRecord>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve service records (SRV records) for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will be an array of objects with the following properties:

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve service records (SRV records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with an array of objects with the following properties:

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external fun resolveTxt(hostname: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<ReadonlyArray<String>>) -> Unit)

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve text queries (TXT records) for the hostname. The records argument passed to the callback function is a two-dimensional array of the text records available for hostname (e.g.[ ['v=spf1 ip4: ', '~all' ] ]). Each sub-array contains TXT chunks of one record. Depending on the use case, these could be either joined together or treated separately.

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Uses the DNS protocol to resolve text queries (TXT records) for the hostname. On success, the Promise is resolved with a two-dimensional array of the text records available for hostname (e.g.[ ['v=spf1 ip4: ', '~all' ] ]). Each sub-array contains TXT chunks of one record. Depending on the use case, these could be either joined together or treated separately.

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suspend fun reverse(ip: String): ReadonlyArray<String>

external fun reverse(ip: String, callback: (err: ErrnoException?, ReadonlyArray<String>) -> Unit)

Performs a reverse DNS query that resolves an IPv4 or IPv6 address to an array of host names.

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Performs a reverse DNS query that resolves an IPv4 or IPv6 address to an array of host names.

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Set the default value of order in {@link lookup} and dnsPromises.lookup(). The value could be:

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external fun setServers(servers: ReadonlyArray<String>)

Sets the IP address and port of servers to be used when performing DNS resolution. The servers argument is an array of RFC 5952 formatted addresses. If the port is the IANA default DNS port (53) it can be omitted.