
Static interface for Packable types which are interpolated in a different representation than their packed value. These methods and properties are expected to be defined on a constructor function.

See also


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The number of elements used to store the object into an array in its interpolatable form.


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fun convertPackedArrayForInterpolation(packedArray: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int? = definedExternally, lastIndex: Int? = definedExternally, result: ReadonlyArray<Double>? = definedExternally)

Converts a packed array into a form suitable for interpolation.

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fun unpackInterpolationResult(array: ReadonlyArray<Double>, sourceArray: ReadonlyArray<Double>, startingIndex: Int? = definedExternally, lastIndex: Int? = definedExternally, result: Any? = definedExternally): Any

Retrieves an instance from a packed array converted with PackableForInterpolation.convertPackedArrayForInterpolation.