Package-level declarations


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external class Channel<StoreType, ContextType>

The class Channel represents an individual named channel within the data pipeline. It is used to track subscribers and to publish messages when there are subscribers present. It exists as a separate object to avoid channel lookups at publish time, enabling very fast publish speeds and allowing for heavy use while incurring very minimal cost. Channels are created with {@link channel}, constructing a channel directly with new Channel(name) is not supported.

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typealias ChannelListener = (message: Any?, name: Any) -> Unit
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The class TracingChannel is a collection of TracingChannel Channels which together express a single traceable action. It is used to formalize and simplify the process of producing events for tracing application flow. {@link tracingChannel} is used to construct a TracingChannel. As with Channel it is recommended to create and reuse a single TracingChannel at the top-level of the file rather than creating them dynamically.

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sealed external interface TracingChannelCollection<StoreType, ContextType>
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sealed external interface TracingChannelSubscribers<ContextType : Any>
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external fun channel(name: Symbol): Channel<*, *>
external fun channel(name: String): Channel<*, *>

This is the primary entry-point for anyone wanting to publish to a named channel. It produces a channel object which is optimized to reduce overhead at publish time as much as possible.

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external fun hasSubscribers(name: Symbol): Boolean
external fun hasSubscribers(name: String): Boolean

Check if there are active subscribers to the named channel. This is helpful if the message you want to send might be expensive to prepare.

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external fun subscribe(name: Symbol, onMessage: ChannelListener)
external fun subscribe(name: String, onMessage: ChannelListener)

Register a message handler to subscribe to this channel. This message handler will be run synchronously whenever a message is published to the channel. Any errors thrown in the message handler will trigger an 'uncaughtException'.

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Creates a TracingChannel wrapper for the given TracingChannel Channels. If a name is given, the corresponding tracing channels will be created in the form of tracing:${name}:${eventType} where eventType corresponds to the types of TracingChannel Channels.

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external fun unsubscribe(name: Symbol, onMessage: ChannelListener): Boolean
external fun unsubscribe(name: String, onMessage: ChannelListener): Boolean

Remove a message handler previously registered to this channel with {@link subscribe}.