
sealed interface ConstructorOptions(source)

Initialization options for the OpenStreetMapImageryProvider constructor

See also


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abstract var credit: Credit?

A credit for the data source, which is displayed on the canvas. Default value - 'MapQuest, Open Street Map and contributors, CC-BY-SA'

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abstract var ellipsoid: Ellipsoid?

The ellipsoid. If not specified, the WGS84 ellipsoid is used.

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abstract var fileExtension: String?

The file extension for images on the server. Default value - 'png'

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abstract var maximumLevel: Int?

The maximum level-of-detail supported by the imagery provider, or undefined if there is no limit.

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abstract var minimumLevel: Int?

The minimum level-of-detail supported by the imagery provider. Default value - 0

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abstract var rectangle: Rectangle?

The rectangle of the layer. Default value - Rectangle.MAX_VALUE

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abstract var retinaTiles: Boolean?

When true, request tiles at the 2x resolution for retina displays. Default value - false

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abstract var url: String?

The OpenStreetMap server url. Default value - ''