
external class SceneModePicker(var container: Element, scene: Scene, duration: Double? = definedExternally)(source)

The SceneModePicker is a single button widget for switching between scene modes; shown to the left in its expanded state. Programatic switching of scene modes will be automatically reflected in the widget as long as the specified Scene is used to perform the change.

// In HTML head, include a link to the SceneModePicker.css stylesheet,
// and in the body, include: <div id="sceneModePickerContainer"></div>
// Note: This code assumes you already have a Scene instance.

const sceneModePicker = new SceneModePicker('sceneModePickerContainer', scene);



The Scene instance to use.


The time, in seconds, it takes for the scene to transition. Default value - 2.0

See also


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constructor(container: Element, scene: Scene, duration: Double? = definedExternally)


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The DOM element that will contain the widget.

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Gets the view model.


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fun destroy()

Destroys the widget. Should be called if permanently removing the widget from layout.

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