
external class DataSourceClock(source)

Represents desired clock settings for a particular DataSource. These settings may be applied to the Clock when the DataSource is loaded.

See also


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Gets or sets the desired clock range setting. See Clock.clockRange.

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Gets or sets the desired clock step setting. See Clock.clockStep.

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Gets or sets the desired current time when this data source is loaded. See Clock.currentTime.

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Gets the event that is raised whenever a new property is assigned.

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Gets or sets the desired clock multiplier. See Clock.multiplier.

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Gets or sets the desired start time of the clock. See Clock.startTime.

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Gets or sets the desired stop time of the clock. See Clock.stopTime.


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fun clone(result: DataSourceClock? = definedExternally): DataSourceClock

Duplicates a DataSourceClock instance.

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Gets the value of this clock instance as a Clock object.

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fun merge(source: DataSourceClock)

Assigns each unassigned property on this object to the value of the same property on the provided source object.