Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface ArithmeticOptions

Options for arithmetic operations like add() and subtract()

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sealed external interface AssignmentOptions

Options for assigning fields using with() or entire objects with from().

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external class Calendar(calendarIdentifier: String) : CalendarProtocol

A Temporal.Calendar is a representation of a calendar system. It includes information about how many days are in each year, how many months are in each year, how many days are in each month, and how to do arithmetic in that calendar system.

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sealed external interface CalendarLike

Any of these types can be passed to Temporal methods instead of a Temporal.Calendar.

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sealed external interface CalendarProtocol : CalendarLike
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sealed external interface Comparator<in T : Any, in L : Any>
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typealias ComparisonResult = Int
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sealed external interface DateTimeUnit<out T : DateTimeUnit<T>> : LargestUnit<T> , SmallestUnit<T> , TotalUnit<T>
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sealed external interface DateUnit<out T : DateUnit<T>> : DateTimeUnit<T>
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sealed external interface DifferenceOptions<T : DateTimeUnit<T>>

Options to control the result of until() and since() methods in Temporal types.

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sealed external interface Disambiguation
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external class Duration(val years: Int = definedExternally, val months: Int = definedExternally, val weeks: Int = definedExternally, val days: Int = definedExternally, val hours: Int = definedExternally, val minutes: Int = definedExternally, val seconds: Int = definedExternally, val milliseconds: Int = definedExternally, val microseconds: Int = definedExternally, val nanoseconds: Int = definedExternally) : HasDurationOperations<Duration, DurationArithmeticOptions> , Localizable<DateTimeFormatOptions>

A Temporal.Duration represents an immutable duration of time which can be used in date/time arithmetic.

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sealed external interface DurationArithmeticOptions

Options to control behavior of, Duration.add(), and Duration.subtract()

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sealed external interface DurationLike
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sealed external interface DurationOptions

Options for assigning fields using Duration.prototype.with() or entire objects with Duration.from(), and for arithmetic with Duration.prototype.add() and Duration.prototype.subtract().

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sealed external interface Factory<T : Any, in L : Any, in O : Any>
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sealed external interface HasDurationOperations<T : HasDurationOperations<T, O>, in O : Any>
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A Temporal.Instant is an exact point in time, with a precision in nanoseconds. No time zone or calendar information is present. Therefore, Temporal.Instant has no concept of days, months, or even hours.

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sealed external interface LargestUnit<out T : DateTimeUnit<T>>
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sealed external interface MonthCodeOrMonthAndYear : YearOrEraAndEraYear
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sealed external interface MonthOrMonthCode
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external object Now
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sealed external interface OffsetDisambiguationOptions
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sealed external interface Overflow
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sealed external interface PlainCompanion<T : Any, in L : Any> : Factory<T, L, AssignmentOptions> , Comparator<T, L>
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external class PlainDate(isoYear: Int, isoMonth: Int, isoDay: Int, calendar: CalendarLike = definedExternally) : HasArithmeticOperations<PlainDate, PlainDateLike, DateUnit<*>> , Localizable<DateTimeFormatOptions> , CalendarLike

A Temporal.PlainDate represents a calendar date. "Calendar date" refers to the concept of a date as expressed in everyday usage, independent of any time zone. For example, it could be used to represent an event on a calendar which happens during the whole day no matter which time zone it's happening in.

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sealed external interface PlainDateISOFields
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sealed external interface PlainDateLike
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external class PlainDateTime(isoYear: Int, isoMonth: Int, isoDay: Int, hour: Int = definedExternally, minute: Int = definedExternally, second: Int = definedExternally, millisecond: Int = definedExternally, microsecond: Int = definedExternally, nanosecond: Int = definedExternally, calendar: CalendarLike = definedExternally) : HasArithmeticOperations<PlainDateTime, PlainDateTimeLike, DateTimeUnit<*>> , Roundable<PlainDateTime, DateTimeUnit<*>> , Localizable<DateTimeFormatOptions> , CalendarLike

A Temporal.PlainDateTime represents a calendar date and wall-clock time, with a precision in nanoseconds, and without any time zone. Of the Temporal classes carrying human-readable time information, it is the most general and complete one. Temporal.PlainDate, Temporal.PlainTime, Temporal.PlainYearMonth, and Temporal.PlainMonthDay all carry less information and should be used when complete information is not required.

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sealed external interface PlainDateTimeISOFields
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sealed external interface PlainDateTimeLike
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external class PlainMonthDay(isoMonth: Int, isoDay: Int, calendar: CalendarLike = definedExternally, referenceISOYear: Int = definedExternally) : Localizable<DateTimeFormatOptions> , CalendarLike

A Temporal.PlainMonthDay represents a particular day on the calendar, but without a year. For example, it could be used to represent a yearly recurring event, like "Bastille Day is on the 14th of July."

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sealed external interface PlainMonthDayLike
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external class PlainTime(val hour: Int = definedExternally, val minute: Int = definedExternally, val second: Int = definedExternally, val millisecond: Int = definedExternally, val microsecond: Int = definedExternally, val nanosecond: Int = definedExternally) : HasArithmeticOperations<PlainTime, PlainTimeLike, TimeUnit<*>> , Roundable<PlainTime, TimeUnit<*>> , Localizable<DateTimeFormatOptions>

A Temporal.PlainTime represents a wall-clock time, with a precision in nanoseconds, and without any time zone. "Wall-clock time" refers to the concept of a time as expressed in everyday usage — the time that you read off the clock on the wall. For example, it could be used to represent an event that happens daily at a certain time, no matter what time zone.

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sealed external interface PlainTimeISOFields
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sealed external interface PlainTimeLike
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external class PlainYearMonth(isoYear: Int, isoMonth: Int, calendar: CalendarLike = definedExternally, referenceISODay: Int = definedExternally) : HasArithmeticOperations<PlainYearMonth, PlainYearMonthLike, DateUnit<*>> , Localizable<DateTimeFormatOptions> , CalendarLike

A Temporal.PlainYearMonth represents a particular month on the calendar. For example, it could be used to represent a particular instance of a monthly recurring event, like "the June 2019 meeting".

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sealed external interface PlainYearMonthLike
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sealed external interface PluralUnit<T : DateTimeUnit<T>> : LargestUnit<T> , SmallestUnit<T> , TotalUnit<T>

When the name of a unit is provided to a Temporal API as a string, it is usually singular, e.g. 'day' or 'hour'. But plural unit names like 'days' or 'hours' are aso accepted too.

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sealed external interface Roundable<T : Roundable<T, U>, U : DateTimeUnit<U>>
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sealed external interface RoundingMode
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sealed external interface RoundTo<T : DateTimeUnit<T>>

round methods take one required parameter. If a string is provided, the resulting Temporal.Duration object will be rounded to that unit. If an object is provided, its smallestUnit property is required while other properties are optional. A string is treated the same as an object whose smallestUnit property value is that string.

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sealed external interface ShowCalendarOption
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sealed external interface SmallestUnit<out T : DateTimeUnit<T>>
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sealed external interface TimeUnit<out T : TimeUnit<T>> : DateTimeUnit<T>
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external class TimeZone(timeZoneIdentifier: String)

A Temporal.TimeZone is a representation of a time zone: either an {@link|IANA time zone}, including information about the time zone such as the offset between the local time and UTC at a particular time, and daylight saving time (DST) changes; or simply a particular UTC offset with no DST.

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sealed external interface TimeZoneLike

Any of these types can be passed to Temporal methods instead of a Temporal.TimeZone.

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sealed external interface TimeZoneProtocol : TimeZoneLike
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sealed external interface ToInstantOptions

Options for conversions of Temporal.PlainDateTime to Temporal.Instant

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sealed external interface ToStringPrecisionOptions

Options for outputting precision in toString() on types with seconds

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sealed external interface TotalUnit<out T : DateTimeUnit<T>>
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sealed external interface YearOrEraAndEraYear
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sealed external interface ZonedDateTimeISOFields
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sealed external interface ZonedDateTimeLike
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