
external object Now(source)


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Get the exact system date and time as a Temporal.Instant.

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fun plainDate(calendar: CalendarLike, tzLike: TimeZoneLike? = definedExternally): PlainDate

Get the current calendar date in a specific calendar and time zone.

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fun plainDateISO(tzLike: TimeZoneLike? = definedExternally): PlainDate

Get the current date in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.

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fun plainDateTime(calendar: CalendarLike, tzLike: TimeZoneLike? = definedExternally): PlainDateTime

Get the current calendar date and clock time in a specific calendar and time zone.

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fun plainDateTimeISO(tzLike: TimeZoneLike? = definedExternally): PlainDateTime

Get the current date and clock time in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.

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fun plainTimeISO(tzLike: TimeZoneLike? = definedExternally): PlainTime

Get the current clock time in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.

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Get the identifier of the environment's current time zone.

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fun zonedDateTime(calendar: CalendarLike, tzLike: TimeZoneLike? = definedExternally): ZonedDateTime

Get the current calendar date and clock time in a specific calendar and time zone.

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fun zonedDateTimeISO(tzLike: TimeZoneLike? = definedExternally): ZonedDateTime

Get the current calendar date and clock time in a specific time zone, using the ISO 8601 calendar.