Package-level declarations


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external class LcovReporter : Transform
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sealed external interface ReporterConstructorWrapper<T : Transform>
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external class SpecReporter : Transform
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typealias TestEvent = Any
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external val lcov: LcovReporter

The lcov reporter outputs test coverage when used with the --experimental-test-coverage flag.

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The spec reporter outputs the test results in a human-readable format.


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external fun dot(source: TestEventGenerator): AsyncGenerator<String, Void, *>

The dot reporter outputs the test results in a compact format, where each passing test is represented by a ., and each failing test is represented by a X.

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external fun junit(source: TestEventGenerator): AsyncGenerator<String, Void, *>

The junit reporter outputs test results in a jUnit XML format.

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external fun tap(source: TestEventGenerator): AsyncGenerator<String, Void, *>

The tap reporter outputs the test results in the TAP format.