external fun <T : Any> maxSatisfying(versions: ReadonlyArray<T>, range: String, optionsOrLoose: Boolean = definedExternally): T?(source)
external fun <T : Any> maxSatisfying(versions: ReadonlyArray<T>, range: String, optionsOrLoose: RangeOptions = definedExternally): T?(source)
external fun <T : Any> maxSatisfying(versions: ReadonlyArray<T>, range: Range, optionsOrLoose: Boolean = definedExternally): T?(source)
external fun <T : Any> maxSatisfying(versions: ReadonlyArray<T>, range: Range, optionsOrLoose: RangeOptions = definedExternally): T?(source)
Return the highest version in the list that satisfies the range, or null if none of them do.