Initialization options for the GoogleEarthEnterpriseMapsProvider constructor
See also
The channel (id) to be used when requesting data from the server. The channel number can be found by looking at the json file located at: earth.localdomain/default_map/query?request=Json&vars=geeServerDefs The /default_map path may differ depending on your Google Earth Enterprise server configuration. Look for the "id" that is associated with a "ImageryMaps" requestType. There may be more than one id available. Example: { layers: { id: 1002, requestType: "ImageryMaps" }, { id: 1007, requestType: "VectorMapsRaster" } }
The ellipsoid. If not specified, the default ellipsoid is used. Default value - Ellipsoid.default
The maximum level-of-detail supported by the Google Earth Enterprise server, or undefined if there is no limit.
The policy that determines if a tile is invalid and should be discarded. To ensure that no tiles are discarded, construct and pass a NeverTileDiscardPolicy for this parameter.