
class Paint : Managed


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Constructs SkPaint with default values.


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object Companion


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var alpha: Int

Retrieves alpha from the color used when stroking and filling.

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Retrieves alpha from the color used when stroking and filling.

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Sets SkBlendMode to mode. Does not check for valid input. BlendMode used to combine source color and destination.

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var color: Int

Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is a 32-bit value, unpremultiplied, packing 8-bit components for alpha, red, blue, and green.

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Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is four floating point values, unpremultiplied. The color values are interpreted as being in sRGB.

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imageFilter how SkImage is sampled when transformed

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Requests, but does not require, that edge pixels draw opaque or with partial transparency.

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expect open val isClosed: Boolean

Check if underlying resource is closed.

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Requests, but does not require, to distribute color error.

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maskFilter modifies clipping mask generated from drawn geometry

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Sets whether the geometry is filled, stroked, or filled and stroked.

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Replace Path with a modification when drawn

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Sets the geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.

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Sets the geometry drawn at the corners of strokes.

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Sets the limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled. Valid values are zero and greater. Has no effect if miter is less than zero.

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Sets the thickness of the pen used by the paint to outline the shape. A stroke-width of zero is treated as "hairline" width. Hairlines are always exactly one pixel wide in device space (their thickness does not change as the canvas is scaled). Negative stroke-widths are invalid; setting a negative width will have no effect.


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expect open fun close()

Free underlying native resource, peer is useless afterwards.

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Returns true if Paint prevents all drawing; otherwise, the Paint may or may not allow drawing.

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Makes a shallow copy of Paint. PathEffect, Shader, MaskFilter, ColorFilter, and ImageFilter are shared between the original paint and the copy.

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fun reset(): Paint

Sets all Paint contents to their initial values. This is equivalent to replacing Paint with the result of Paint().

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Replaces alpha, leaving RGB unchanged. An out of range value triggers an assert in the debug build. a is a value from 0f to 1f.

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fun setARGB(a: Int, r: Int, g: Int, b: Int): Paint

Sets color used when drawing solid fills. The color components range from 0 to 255. The color is unpremultiplied; alpha sets the transparency independent of RGB.

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fun setColor4f(color: Color4f, colorSpace: ColorSpace?): Paint

Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is four floating point values, unpremultiplied. The color values are interpreted as being in the colorSpace. If colorSpace is nullptr, then color is assumed to be in the sRGB color space.

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fun setStroke(value: Boolean): Paint

Set paint's mode to STROKE if true, or FILL if false.

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expect open override fun toString(): String