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Creates an empty Bitmap without pixels, with ColorType.UNKNOWN, ColorAlphaType.UNKNOWN, and with a width and height of zero. PixelRef origin is set to (0, 0). Bitmap is not volatile.


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object Companion


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Returns IRect { 0, 0, width(), height() }.

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open val bytesPerPixel: Int

Returns number of bytes per pixel required by ColorType. Returns zero if colorType is ColorType.UNKNOWN.

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Returns a unique value corresponding to the pixels in PixelRef. Returns a different value after notifyPixelsChanged() has been called. Returns zero if PixelRef is null.

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open val height: Int

Returns pixel row count.

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open override val imageInfo: ImageInfo
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expect open val isClosed: Boolean

Check if underlying resource is closed.

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open val isEmpty: Boolean

Returns true if either getWidth() or getHeight() are zero.

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Returns true if pixels can not change.

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Returns true if PixelRef is null.

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open val isOpaque: Boolean

Returns true if ColorAlphaType is set to hint that all pixels are opaque; their alpha value is implicitly or explicitly 1.0. If true, and all pixels are not opaque, Skia may draw incorrectly.

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Returns true if Bitmap can be drawn.

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Returns PixelRef, which contains: pixel base address; its dimensions; and rowBytes(), the interval from one row to the next. PixelRef may be shared by multiple bitmaps. If PixelRef has not been set, returns null.

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Returns origin of pixels within PixelRef. Bitmap bounds is always contained by PixelRef bounds, which may be the same size or larger. Multiple Bitmap can share the same PixelRef, where each Bitmap has different bounds.

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Returns row bytes, the interval from one pixel row to the next. Row bytes is at least as large as: getWidth() * getBytesPerPixel().

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Returns number of pixels that fit on row. Should be greater than or equal to getWidth().

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open val shiftPerPixel: Int

Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels. Returns zero for ColorType.UNKNOWN.

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Returns the bounds of this bitmap, offset by its PixelRef origin.

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open val width: Int

Returns pixel count in each row. Should be equal or less than getRowBytes() / getImageInfo().getBytesPerPixel().


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fun allocN32Pixels(width: Int, height: Int, opaque: Boolean = false): Boolean

Sets ImageInfo to width, height, and native color type; and allocates pixel memory. Sets ImageInfo to ColorAlphaType.PREMUL.

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Allocates pixel memory with HeapAllocator, and replaces existing PixelRef. The allocation size is determined by ImageInfo width, height, and ColorType.

fun allocPixels(imageInfo: ImageInfo): Boolean

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in .setImageInfo and allocates pixel memory.

fun allocPixels(info: ImageInfo, rowBytes: Int): Boolean

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in setImageInfo() and allocates pixel memory. rowBytes must equal or exceed info.width() times info.bytesPerPixel(), or equal zero.

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fun allocPixelsFlags(imageInfo: ImageInfo, zeroPixels: Boolean): Boolean

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in setImageInfo() and allocates pixel memory. Memory is zeroed.

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expect open fun close()

Free underlying native resource, peer is useless afterwards.

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Returns minimum memory required for pixel storage. Does not include unused memory on last row when getRowBytesAsPixels() exceeds getWidth(). Returns zero if height() or width() is 0. Returns getHeight() times getRowBytes() if getColorType() is ColorType.UNKNOWN.

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Returns true if all pixels are opaque. ColorType determines how pixels are encoded, and whether pixel describes alpha. Returns true for ColorType without alpha in each pixel; for other ColorType, returns true if all pixels have alpha values equivalent to 1.0 or greater.

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Returns true if width or height are zero, or if PixelRef is null. If true, Bitmap has no effect when drawn or drawn into.

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fun erase(color: Int): Bitmap

Replaces pixel values with color, interpreted as being in the sRGB ColorSpace. All pixels contained by getBounds() are affected. If the getColorType() is ColorType.GRAY_8 or ColorType.RGB_565, then alpha is ignored; RGB is treated as opaque. If getColorType() is ColorType.ALPHA_8, then RGB is ignored.

fun erase(color: Int, area: IRect): Bitmap

Replaces pixel values inside area with color, interpreted as being in the sRGB ColorSpace. If area does not intersect getBounds(), call has no effect.

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fun extractAlpha(dst: Bitmap, paint: Paint?): IPoint?

Sets dst to alpha described by pixels. Returns false if dst cannot be written to or dst pixels cannot be allocated.

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fun extractSubset(dst: Bitmap, subset: IRect): Boolean

Shares PixelRef with dst. Pixels are not copied; this and dst point to the same pixels; dst.getBounds() are set to the intersection of subset and the original getBounds().

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fun getAlphaf(x: Int, y: Int): Float

Look up the pixel at (x,y) and return its alpha component, normalized to 0..1. This is roughly equivalent to GetColorA(getColor()), but can be more efficent (and more precise if the pixels store more than 8 bits per component).

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fun getColor(x: Int, y: Int): Int

Returns pixel at (x, y) as unpremultiplied color. Returns black with alpha if ColorType is ColorType.ALPHA_8.

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fun installPixels(info: ImageInfo, pixels: ByteArray?, rowBytes: Int): Boolean

Sets ImageInfo to info following the rules in setImageInfo(), and creates PixelRef containing pixels and rowBytes.

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Copies settings from src to returned Bitmap. Shares pixels if src has pixels allocated, so both bitmaps reference the same pixels.

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fun makeShader(localMatrix: Matrix33?): Shader
fun makeShader(tmx: FilterTileMode, tmy: FilterTileMode, localMatrix: Matrix33?): Shader
fun makeShader(tmx: FilterTileMode = FilterTileMode.CLAMP, tmy: FilterTileMode = FilterTileMode.CLAMP, sampling: SamplingMode = SamplingMode.DEFAULT, localMatrix: Matrix33? = null): Shader
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Marks that pixels in PixelRef have changed. Subsequent calls to getGenerationId() return a different value.

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Create a pixmap and copy buffer contents into it

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fun readPixels(dstInfo: ImageInfo = imageInfo, dstRowBytes: Int = rowBytes, srcX: Int = 0, srcY: Int = 0): ByteArray?

Copies a rect of pixels from Bitmap. Copy starts at (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed Bitmap (getWidth(), getHeight()).

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fun reset(): Bitmap

Resets to its initial state; all fields are set to zero, as if Bitmap had been initialized by Bitmap().

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Sets alpha type, if argument is compatible with current color type. Returns true unless argument is ColorAlphaType.UNKNOWN and current value is ColorAlphaType.UNKNOWN.

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fun setImageInfo(imageInfo: ImageInfo): Boolean

Sets width, height, ColorAlphaType, ColorType, ColorSpace. Frees pixels, and returns true if successful.

fun setImageInfo(imageInfo: ImageInfo, rowBytes: Int): Boolean

Sets width, height, ColorAlphaType, ColorType, ColorSpace, and optional rowBytes. Frees pixels, and returns true if successful.

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Sets internal flag to mark Bitmap as immutable. Once set, pixels can not change. Any other bitmap sharing the same PixelRef are also marked as immutable. Once PixelRef is marked immutable, the setting cannot be cleared.

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fun setPixelRef(pixelRef: PixelRef?, dx: Int, dy: Int): Bitmap

Replaces pixelRef and origin in Bitmap. dx and dy specify the offset within the PixelRef pixels for the top-left corner of the bitmap.

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fun swap(other: Bitmap)

Swaps the fields of the two bitmaps.

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expect open override fun toString(): String