
Pixel with 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue, in 16-bit word


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Returns the number of bytes required to store a pixel, including unused padding. Returns zero for .UNKNOWN.

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Returns true if ColorType always decodes alpha to 1.0, making the pixel fully opaque. If true, ColorType does not reserve bits to encode alpha.

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fun computeOffset(x: Int, y: Int, rowBytes: Long): Long
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fun getA(color: Byte): Float
fun getA(color: Int): Float
fun getA(color: Short): Float
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fun getB(color: Byte): Float
fun getB(color: Int): Float
fun getB(color: Short): Float
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fun getG(color: Byte): Float
fun getG(color: Int): Float
fun getG(color: Short): Float
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fun getR(color: Byte): Float
fun getR(color: Int): Float
fun getR(color: Short): Float
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Returns a valid ColorAlphaType for colorType. If there is more than one valid canonical ColorAlphaType, set to alphaType, if valid.